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Reader Poll: Top Reasons to Let a Client Go

Posted on Jan 4th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
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    reader poll

    For the most part, when you mention “firing” someone, it’s in reference to an employee termination. Or perhaps it’s a situation of a client “firing” their agency. There’s also the “firing” of clients that happens for a variety of reasons. Hopefully it’s a good reason for both the agency and the client. It’s an inevitable part of doing business, especially with consulting,  marketing and advertising industries where agencies are in high demand.

    No one likes to do it, but it happens.

    For example, the client needs might change beyond what the agency can deliver or the business model of the agency might change, requiring the “cleansing” of client engagements that are not consistent with the business. I am curious about the reasons that client engagements are terminated by agencies, so if you’ve been in that situation, please take the poll below:

    [poll id=”2″]

    Has your company been “fired” by an agency? If so, what was the reason? If any consultants or agencies have other reasons not listed in the poll or if you have a strong opinion about this topic, please leave them in the comments.