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Reader Poll: Best Paid Subscription SEM Communities

Posted on Oct 27th, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    We recently posted a list of over 100 resources our readers could leverage to learn more about marketing online through search. One of the categories was paid subscription SEM communities that offer training, forums and often times templates, forms and guides for implementing effective Search Marketing programs.

    A pioneer forum that has a paid channel in this area is the WebmasterWorld Supporter’s group. SEOmoz has been wildly successful with their Pro community over the past few years and SEO Book launched their training community after discontinuing the actual book.  The newcomer to this group is SEO Dojo.

    Below you’ll find info and links on each community and if you’re a fan, take this poll to vote which is your favorite:


    Webmaster World Supporters
    WebmasterWorld Supporters

    Since: Posts go back to Nov 5, 2002 but I suspect it was started before that.
    Cost: 6 months $89 – 12 months $149
    Description: A private forum for WebmasterWorld supporters dealing with Webmaster, Tech, and Business issues related to operating and promoting a website.

    SEOmoz Pro

    Since: Feb 2007
    Cost: Pro $79/mo, Pro Plus $129/mo, Pro Elite $229/mo
    Description: Access to exclusive tools, processes and knowledge that SEOmoz staff use to provide consulting to their clients. Offers a guarantee.

    SEO Book Training

    Since: Feb 2008
    Cost: $150/mo – Membership is full
    Description: Over 100 training modules as well as forums, templates, videos and tools.

    SEO Dojo

    Since: Oct 2009
    Cost: $30/monthly or $250/full year plus other combinations
    Description: Community and training resource for search and Internet marketers that includes articles, chat sessions, worksheets/guides and plans for webinars.

    What has your experience been with these communities? What are the best features? Training, Tools, Community.  Which paid SEM communities did we miss? Please share in the comments and we’ll update our 100 Resources list as well as include them in next year’s poll.

    This poll will run until Tuesday 11/03/09 after which we will name the winner both on Online Marketing Blog, which gets close to 100,000 visits per month and we’ll be issuing a press release for distribution through PRWeb. The winner will also get a free 125X125 ad on the right side bar for 2 months.