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[eBook] Easy-as-Pie Guide to Content Planning: 3 Recipes for Success

Posted on May 25th, 2016
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  • B2B Marketing
  • [eBook] Easy-as-Pie Guide to Content Planning: 3 Recipes for Success
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.


    Ever been to a busy restaurant and waited what seemed like forever for your food to arrive? Or, bought a loaf of bread only to bring it home and realize it was stale? It’s not easy to run a restaurant, or churn out dozens of perfect pastries. Cooking up quality content isn’t easy either. Much like crafting a perfect pastry, creating content that inspires an audience to action takes great skill.

    Truthfully, most content kitchens are facing big problems. According to Content Marketing Institute, a mere 30% of B2B marketers and 38% of B2C marketers feel their content marketing is effective. Which is why we partnered up with DivvyHQ and created an eBook to help content marketers take their content planning from messy to simple.

    In the Easy-as-Pie Guide to Content Planning, we offer simple tips and recipes that will improve your content planning and effectiveness. These recipes include:

    • Recipe #1 – Easy-as-Pie Content Planning
    • Recipe #2 – Easy-as-Pie People Planning
    • Recipe #3 – Easy-as-Pie Wins & Losses

    Along with these recipes, you’ll find insights from the most brilliant content marketing chefs on the planet. Here’s a sample of what you’ll find inside:

    Joe Pulizzi – Founder – Content Marketing Institute
    “For a successful content mission, include target, delivery & outcome.” @joepulizzi tweet this

    Lee Odden – CEO – TopRank Marketing
    “Identify customer content favorites & plan content designed to satisfy them.” @leeodden
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    Amy Higgins – Head of Content Marketing – ZOZI
    “Measure the success of your content by understanding how it all links together.” @amywhiggins
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    Jeff Julian – Chief Marketing Officer – AJi Software
    “Determine audience goals & use content to help guide them to a resolution.” @jjulian
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    Kevin Hunt – Manager, Corporate Social Media – General Mills
    “Understand content cadence by tracking social posts & surveying your audience.” @kevin_hunt
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    Juntae Delane – Digital Brand Manager – University of Southern California
    “Pay close attention to your content analytics to see what works best.” @JuntaeDeLane
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    Ann Handley – Chief Content Officer – MarketingProfs
    “For a good content recipe: mix empathy, inspiration, and usefulness.” @annhandley tweet this

    Jay Baer – President – Convince & Convert
    “To increase your content potential, include video whenever possible.” @jaybaer tweet this

    Jay Acunzo – VP – NextView Ventures
    “To organize and motivate people, discuss content you admire with your teams.” @jayacunzo tweet this

    Carlos Abler – Leader, Content Marketing & Strategy – 3M
    “To streamline your content process, ensure you are not working in a silo.” @Carlos_Abler tweet this

    Brody Dorland – Founder – DivvyHQ
    “Confirm your content’s purpose by completing a one-page strategy guide.” @brodydorland
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    Celia Brown – Senior Director, Content Strategy & Marketing – SAP
    “To keep your team in sync, use planning sessions & editorial calendars.” @celiabrown
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    Chris Moody – Content Marketing Leader – GE Digital
    “Learn your content’s impact by focusing on the insights, not just the data.” @cnmoody
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    Heidi Cohen – President – Riverside Marketing Strategies
    “Align with your audience by updating content questions based on context.” @heidicohen
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    Cory Edwards – Director, Social Media & Content Marketing, Adobe
    “Improve results by aligning content w/ what performance metrics tell you.” @coryedwards
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    Claudine Bianchi – CMO – ClickSoftware
    “Measuring engagement is an easy way to tell if content is having impact.” @claudinesview
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    Jason Miller – Global Content Marketing Leader – LinkedIn
    “Find commonalities around content topics by creating a #wordcloud.” @JasonMillerCA
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    Mark Schaefer – Author & Executive Director, Schaefer Marketing Solutions
    “To stand out, look at what’s NOT represented in popular topics.” @markwschaefer
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    Ready to make your content planning Easy-as-Pie? 

    Join us on a journey through the kitchen of content where you’ll learn how to plan more effectively, develop a better content culture, and improve performance tracking. To ensure your future content efforts are delicious and effective, downloading the full eBook today!


    Disclosure: ClickSoftware, DivvyHQ and LinkedIn are TopRank Marketing clients.