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5 TopRank Marketing Team Insights for Finding B2B Content Marketing Inspiration

Posted on Jul 27th, 2017
Written by TopRank Marketing
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  • B2B Marketing
  • 5 TopRank Marketing Team Insights for Finding B2B Content Marketing Inspiration
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    These days, there’s little doubt among B2B marketers that content is the foundation of digital marketing success. After all, studies show that nearly all B2B buyers do some form of online research before making a purchasing decision. As a result, we content creators are tasked with turning out informative, engaging and inspiring content that helps our brand be the best answer wherever and whenever our audience is searching.

    But let’s face it, content folks. Despite being proven wordsmiths and marketers, our creative engine stalls from time to time. I’ll certainly admit that my computer screen and I have had some intimate moments—mostly me staring longingly at a blank document and praying the words will come.

    So, what’s a B2B content marketer to do when our creative engine breaks down—or rather before it loses steam? Where can we find inspiration?

    For me, my salvation lies in my fellow TopRank Marketing team members. As the old adage goes, two heads are better than one, so I often tap outside perspectives to kick-start my creative juices. So it’s only natural that this piece includes tips and insights from some of those team members.

    Whether you’re planning content or looking to weave a creative metaphor into a piece, below my team members share how they overcome creative challenges and find content inspiration in the B2B space.

    1. Mining for gold in SERPs.

    “Lately I’ve been performing more incognito searches for priority keywords. Whether you need contextual clues surrounding search intent, or need to brainstorm ways to one-up your top competition with an even better answer, there’s gold in them thar SERPs.”

    Jesse Pickrain, Senior Content Marketing Manager

    There’s gold in them thar SERPs. - @jpickrain on finding #B2Bcontentmarketing inspiration Share on X

    2. Finding the pulse.

    “For me, it’s all about tapping into topics that are occupying our societal consciousness at the moment. What are people talking about? Where are they focusing their attention? Why are these matters so magnetic? I’ll peruse Google News, Buzzsumo and various blogs in efforts to press my finger on the proverbial pulse. It doesn’t even need to be business-related; sometimes entertainment and politics can provide valuable fodder enabling us to look at B2B marketing in new and enlightening ways.”

    Nick Nelson, Content Strategist

    Entertainment & politics can enable us to look at #B2Bmarketing in enlightening ways. @NickNelsonMN Share on X

    3. Adding some visual stimulation.

    “I go to free image sites like Pixabay and Pexels, and just browse the most recently added pictures. It’s a soothing stream-of-consciousness tour through visual content that will frequently spark a creative idea.”

    Josh Nite, Content Marketing Manager

    I go to free image sites & browse new pictures to inspire #content creativity. @NiteWrites Share on X

    4. Giving the people what they want

    I spend a lot of time researching and reading to stay on top of what is happening in the world of marketing. A lot of my inspiration comes from the stories I read from other smart marketers. I like to find a ways to help our team create content that aligns with the needs of our audience.

    Like Nick, Buzzsumo is a fantastic tool for uncovering top stories (across multiple verticals) that people are sharing. You can also use the tool to identify who the top sharers are to see if they are either part of your target audience, or influence your target audience.

    I also spend a significant amount of time reviewing the performance of our own content to see what is resonating most with our audience. This can help determine where we should invest more time and effort. (Give the people what they want!).

    Ashley Zeckman, Director of Agency Marketing

    Inspire your #B2B #contentmarketing by staying on top of the latest industry happenings. @azeckman Share on X

    5. Being in the “brief”.

    I routinely use Anders Pink to stay up on the latest news and find inspiration. This web app allows me to create a “briefing” where I can see everything trending in B2B content marketing. If I want to see what resonated the most with audiences, I can filter the briefing down further by limiting results to the past 24 hours, three days, or even three months.

    Annie Leuman, Copywriter

    I routinely use @AndersPink to stay up on the latest news & find #content inspiration. @aleuman4 Share on X

    Looking for More B2B Content Marketing Inspiration?

    Then allow me to suggest a few other posts to give you a creative boost:

    If you’re looking to tap the talented TopRank Marketing team to inspire your efforts, learn more about our approach to B2B content marketing.

    Where do you find creative inspiration for your B2B content marketing efforts? Tell us in the comments section below.