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Your Interactive Guide to Creating Showstopping Content with Insights From Top #CMWorld Speakers

Posted on Jul 11th, 2019
Written by TopRank Marketing
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  • Your Interactive Guide to Creating Showstopping Content with Insights From Top #CMWorld Speakers
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Content marketing wears many (top)hats. Brands incorporate content marketing as an avenue to help them reach, engage and convert their audiences. It’s also a tool for attracting the RIGHT people to your brand. And in the end, great content can inform, persuade and connect with your target audience on a deeper level. 

    In Content Marketing Institute’s 2019 B2B Content Marketing report, they found that 95% of the most successful B2B marketers agree that their audience views their organization as a credible and trusted resource. Ask yourself: Would your audience say the same about your brand? 

    Reflecting on this crucial opportunity guided Content Marketing Institute toward its theme “Amaze Your Audience” for Content Marketing World 2019, which takes place September 3-6 in downtown Cleveland. This year’s event will evoke the grandeur of a glitzy performance underneath the big top. In every way, these productions are designed for maximum spectacle and allure. We can all benefit from adopting a similar focus for our content. 

    To help all of you marketers out there prepare for the main event, TopRank Marketing partnered with Content Marketing World to bring you an insight-packed digital experience. This interactive experience is filled with show-stopping insights from top marketers who will be taking the stage in September. 

    Inside, you’ll find exclusive insights from top CMWorld speakers on how to: 

    • Bring your content to life. 
    • Understand what resonates with your audience. 
    • Incorporate the content “WOW” factor. 
    • Create new levels of content immersion and interactivity. 

    You’ll also receive a special message from CMWorld Ringmaster, Robert Rose, play some fun interactive games and enter to win one of 3 VIP experiences at the event in September!

    Check out the full interactive experience by clicking on the image below: 

    Meet Our Content Marketing Performers

    Thank you to our talented group of content marketing performers (all of whom are speaking at Content Marketing World) for sharing your insights to help other marketers amaze their audiences. Inside you’ll find expert advice from 12 speakers including: 


    Something for the Whole (Content) Family

    Easily share insights from your favorite Content Marketing World performers by clicking on any one of the Click-to-Tweets below!

    Setting the Stage

    Your #marketing strategy shouldn’t be constantly changing. It should be a solid foundation that’s documented and communicated across the entire team. @amandatodo #CMWorld Share on X

    A good answer box strategy is a good voice strategy. @CourtEWakefield #CMWorld Share on X 

    If you want to build sustainable relationships with customers, trust can’t just be a gimmick or a sideshow or something you think about now and again. @mmagnarelli #CMWorld Share on X

    Gauging the Crowd

    Empathy is the Miracle-Gro of a thriving customer-centric business. @MarketingProfs #CMWorld Share on X You can't personalize at scale unless you know something about your audience. And, you also have to be able to deliver tailored content to those unique characteristics. @BrennerMichael #CMWorld Share on X Content is meant to be a source of dialogue. @tameka_vasquez #CMWorld Share on X

    Picking Props & Partners

    Finding ideal influencers for impact means discovering those with on-topic credibility, the ability to publish, an engaged network and a willingness to share. @leeodden #CMWorld Share on X Video is a visual medium, which means if you want to make the best impact and see the highest returns for your video's investment, you've got to SHOW not tell. @DrewDavisHere #CMWorld Share on X We’re excited about the possibilities of augmented reality to bring content into the physical world of our audience. @anniegranat #CMWorld Share on X

    Elevating the Experience

    Increasingly, your content needs to mirror a television network, with a series of consistent, well-produced shows. @jaybaer #CMWorld Share on X Whatever your approach, make sure that your interactive content is informative, interesting, oriented more toward driving engagement and thrilling your audience. @AmishaGandhi #CMWorld Share on X I think of content marketing metrics in two dimensions: Business outcomes and engagement metrics. Christopher White, @CapitalOne #CMWorld Share on X

    Come on in & Enjoy the Show!

    Thank you for coming to see the pre-event! If you haven’t yet registered for Content Marketing World but are interested to dig into other top speakers, you can view the agenda here

    If you’re ready to pull the trigger, register and enter to win a VIP experience, use code SHOWSTOPPER19 for $100 off registration