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14 Expert B2B Influencer Marketing Predictions for 2021

Posted on Nov 19th, 2020
Written by Lane Ellis
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    B2B influencer marketing predictions 2021

    What will B2B influencer marketing look like in 2021, and where will it take B2B marketers and brands when a post-pandemic world eventually arrives?

    To help answer these questions we’ve gathered top B2B influencer marketing insights from both industry experts and our own team, and present our look at their predictions for 2021.

    Let’s jump right in and see how top B2B influencer marketing practitioners expect 2021 to change the way we do business, and why it will likely be a breakout year for building influence.

    1 — Anti-Marketing and The Real vs. The Ideal

    Ann Boyd
    Ann Boyd
    Vice President of Communications, Rubrik

    My prediction is that we’re moving into an anti-marketing, influencer marketing world. No one has time for the deluge of commercial content coming their way these days on every platform. The pendulum has swung to where the obviously-solicited and carefully-curated feedback is flooding our inboxes and social feeds.

    The trick is finding authentic advocates and keeping the content short, sweet, timely, and targeted! 2021 is going to be all about the real vs. the ideal.

    The trick is finding authentic advocates and keeping the content short, sweet, timely, and targeted! 2021 is going to be all about the real vs. the ideal.” — Ann Boyd @annb Share on X

    2 —Ethos, Relatability, Affinity and True Partnerships

    Ann Handley
    Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs

    I have 3 predictions for 2021:

    1. A long-term approach to influencer marketing growth is the Miracle-Gro B2B brands need. Influencer relationships have increasingly been about building long-term partnerships — not short-term, one-off collaborations. This has been evolving for a while… but in 2021 it’s critical. One-offs are choked off so true partnerships can thrive.

    2. Purpose-driven partnerships become a thing. It’s not the size of an influencer’s audience — it’s what they stand for. Brand, ethos, character, relatability, affinity… it all matters.

    3. A B2B brand will create the first viral TikTok video in partnership with a TikTok creator. (Why not?)

    3 1/2. Instagram stops updating its platform in annoying ways that repel users. (Wait. Now I’m just making a Christmas wish list…. Never mind.)

    If the pandemic has taught B2B marketing anything, it’s that trust, relatability, and TikTok matter more than ever.

    Just kidding on that last one.

    Or am I?

    A long-term approach to influencer marketing growth is the Miracle-Gro B2B brands need.” — Ann Handley @MarketingProfs Share on X

    3 — More B2B Influencer Marketing Professionals Will Move the Needle

    Ryan Bares
    Ryan Bares
    Global Social Programs Lead: Social Influencers & Employee Advocacy, IBM Systems

    2021 will be the year of focus for the influencer marketer. B2B brands should now see the fruits of their influencer marketing labor, but is that really moving the needle?

    Influencer marketing professionals – a position that will have more headcount in 2021 – will be expected to show results and focus on the right influencers engaging with your target audience vs. trying everything and seeing what sticks.

    2021 will be the year of focus for the influencer marketer. Influencer marketing professionals will be expected to show results and focus on the right influencers engaging with your target audience.” – Ryan Bares @RyanBares Share on X

    4 — Virtual Events Become Stronger B2B Marketing Tools

    Anton Shulke
    Anton Shulke
    Head of Influencer Marketing (SEO), SEMRush

    Influencer marketing for me is about relationships.

    Between you, as a part of your brand, and a person — an influencer. Sure, there is some kind of relationship between an influencer and the brand, but still, in the end, it comes down to personal relationships between particular people.

    Many of us build it using real-life meetings, a cup of coffee or a beer. What could be better than face-to-face conversations?

    It abruptly stopped in 2020 with COVID, and my guess is it won’t be back soon. I don’t want to use a cliche — the world won’t be the same again — but it might be partially true.

    What could replace real-life conferences and personal meetings?

    The obvious answer — online ones. I think in 2021 a lot of influencer marketers will look at online events as arguably the strongest influencer marketing tool. We will be arranging virtual conferences with the major goal to “steal the soul” of our influencers. Saying so, remember what is the best way to please your influencer/speaker: have a big, engaged audience.

    In 2021 influencer marketers will look at online events as arguably the strongest influencer marketing tool.” — Anton Shulke @anton_shulke Share on X

    5 — Better Mutual Long-Term Influencer Value

    Tim Williams
    Tim Williams
    CEO, Onalytica

    As an industry the early adoption phase is now over. B2B influencer marketing is now a more mainstream strategy integrated by marketers who are not specialists.

    This in turn has caused a lot of brands and agencies to jump on the bandwagon and collaborate with the same top tier industry global influencers with mixed results.

    The increased take up has shone a spotlight on the knowledge gaps and improvements that are required by marketers and influencers to collaborate better as the industry matures.

    In 2021 there are 3 key areas for marketers to improve:

    1. Better design of initial brand/influencer partnerships to deliver mutual long-term value
    2. Help develop a community of internal & external influencers as content creators around thought leadership themes
    3. Improve onboarding and management of influencers, as poor processes can negatively affect the relationship
    As an industry the early adoption phase is now over. B2B influencer marketing is now a more mainstream strategy integrated by marketers who are not specialists.” — Tim Williams @WilliamsTim Share on X

    6 — A Blended and More Human Approach

    Nic Michael
    Nic Michael
    Influencer Marketing Strategist, TopRank Marketing

    What we see right now is a distinction between B2C and B2B influencer content creation — but why not blend the two?!

    My prediction is that B2B content will begin to take on a more B2C approach, in that the way influencers develop content will be a bit scrappier and more human rather than buttoned up and polished.

    B2B content will begin to take on a more B2C approach, in that the way influencers develop content will be a bit scrappier and more human rather than buttoned up and polished.” — Nic Michael @TopRank Share on X

    7 — Deep Engagement and Finding a Value Sweet Spot

    Rachel Douglas
    Rachel Douglas
    Senior Manager of Marketing and Brand, Prophix*

    Influencers are becoming more savvy about brands they partner with and why.  Organizations and marketers have to work harder to nurture key relationships and ensure we aren’t just asking for content or activation, but rather find a value sweet spot where both parties benefit and win.  That means meaningful content, authentic voices and deep engagement.

    Influencers are becoming more savvy about brands they partner with and why. Organizations and marketers have to work harder to nurture key relationships and ensure we aren’t just asking for content or activation.” — Rachel Douglas Share on X

    8 — Seek Up-And-Coming Influencers who Align with Brand Values

    Tom Treanor
    Tom Treanor
    CMO, Treasure Data*

    With the pandemic, we’ve seen a massive rush online, and many of these new habits will continue in 2021 and even post-pandemic.

    Because of this, the importance of online influencers has only increased. Expect to see brands increasingly working with influencers in B2C and B2B environments. The smart money will go after influencers on the rise, so look out for up-and-coming influencers who are seeing some success in the platforms your audience prefers, as well as who align with your brand’s values.

    The importance of online influencers has only increased. Expect to see brands increasingly working with influencers in B2C and B2B environments.” — Tom Treanor @RtMixMktg Share on X

    9 — Always-On Influence and Greater Sophistication

    Debbie Friez
    Debbie Friez
    Influencer Marketing Strategist, TopRank Marketing

    Brands often engaged influencers around events, and that is where they were able to get budget. With so many events going virtual, I see brands reassessing this tactic. More brands are striving to engage influencers throughout the year and look to have an always-on program. Thus, the budgets and alignments are changing.

    Additionally, virtual events are not new, but their importance and sophistication is already radically improving. 2021 will continue to see more influencers upping their game around lighting, microphones and cameras to have the best experience for their audience. I’m excited to see how influencers will develop their video and audio presence to help companies share information.

    More brands are striving to engage influencers throughout the year and look to have an always-on influencer marketing program.” — Debbie Friez @dfriez Share on X

    10 — Network and Credential-Building Activities in a Maturing Influencer Industry

    Paul Dobson
    Paul Dobson
    Senior Director of Social and Influencer Marketing, Citrix

    Here’s what’s been on my mind while I have been thinking about planning for 2021. With the ongoing discussion about misinformation in the media, I think that B2B influencer teams are going to be looking for a solid balance between the influencer’s network and their credential building activities that continue to build on their reputations as a strong voice in the industry that they represent.

    With the influencer industry maturing, and mindspace on social media shrinking, there is going to be increasing competition to find the right person to help promote B2B brands and brand messages.

    B2B influencer teams are going to be looking for a solid balance between the influencer's network and their credential building activities.” — Paul Dobson @svengelsk Share on X

    11 — Long-Term Cooperation and Deepening Influencer Relationships

    Michaela Underdahl
    Michaela Underdahl
    Senior Community Manager

    I predict two key trends happening in the B2B influencer marketing space in 2021. The first one will be the continuation of brands’ focus on nurturing existing relationships and building new long-term connections.

    At Nimble, we believe in treating business relationships the same way we treat other important relationships in our lives. Long-term cooperation with influencers is our number one priority because it’s a win-win for everybody.

    Both we and the influencers we work with invest time, energy, and resources into every campaign we run. We only reach out to people who we want to build a long-lasting relationship with. The end goal with our influencers is to eventually turn them into Nimble power-users and life-long brand advocates.

    The other thing I think companies will be focusing on in 2021 is “fishing out” the micro-influencers from the deep waters of their existing base. It’s much easier to deepen the relationship with someone who already loves your product, turning them into an evangelist, than it is to teach an influencer the product after you’ve spent months — sometimes years — nurturing a new relationship.

    It’s much easier to deepen the relationship with someone who already loves your product, turning them into an evangelist, than it is to teach an influencer the product.” — Michaela Underdahl @michaunderdahl Share on X

    12 — Virtual Event Perfection for Brands & Influencers

    Judy Tian LinkedIn
    Judy Tian
    Marketing Manager, LinkedIn

    2021 will be the year that brands and influencers bring virtual events and experiences to perfection. 2020 was the year of learning and investment in this trend – curating the right tech tools, building in-home studios, and even upgrading internet speeds. But next year, marketers will be better prepared and will reimagine virtually immersive brand experiences, all from the comfort of one’s own home. I predict direct mail will play a huge role in this and make a comeback.

    2021 will be the year that brands and influencers bring virtual events and experiences to perfection.” — Judy Tian @judytian07 Share on X

    13 — Influence is About Community & Helping Customers

    Brian Solis
    Brian Solis
    Global Innovation Evangelist, Salesforce

    Moving into 2021, we can all congratulate each other for making it this far. When it comes to B2B influence, we’ve witnessed the steady shift from authority, relevance, and value toward popularity, impressions, promotion. Influence though means just that…influence. It’s the ability to reach others with similar interests and aspirations and help them learn, change, grow, or connect with one another with purpose.

    Influence represents a new genre for B2B marketing, one that’s representative of helping the ultimate customer and partnering with them to facilitate insights and success. That’s the future of marketing and influence. COVID-19 only expedited the demand for true engagement with influencers and businesses. Salesforce research, for example, surfaced the growing importance of trust among connected customers. Ninety percent of business customers and consumers reported that how a company acted during a crisis revealed its trustworthiness. And 31% already trust a company less because of its response to 2020’s crises.

    Remember, influence is really about community. If it’s about popularity, that’s fine. But that is really more aligned with traditional marketing efforts and metrics. There’s a chance to build something more meaningful together. Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.

    Influence represents a new genre for B2B marketing, one that’s representative of helping the ultimate customer and partnering with them to facilitate insights and success.” — Brian Solis @briansolis Share on X

    14 — Experiences, the Business of Influence, Agency Influencer Networks and Executive Influence

    Lee Odden
    CEO, TopRank Marketing

    In our 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report, 80% of B2B marketers agree that influencer marketing will be more important in the coming year and 80% expect their influencer marketing budgets to increase or stay the same. As the pandemic has driven B2B marketing activities decidedly digital, influence will continue to play an increasingly important role in the B2B marketing mix and here’s how:

    • Experiences – 74% of marketers believe working with influencers improves the experience of prospects and customers with the brand. That trend will continue as more influencers are engaged creatively to partner with brands on messaging and trusted content. The definition of influencer will broaden enabling brands to activate more of the individuals internally and externally playing a role in delivering the best experiences for customers.
    • Business of Influence – More professional influencers will come on the scene in the B2B world to provide brands with everything from analyst level expertise to turn-key research and promotions projects, professional media and content creation that are accountable to more than just “potential social impressions.” Business influence in 2021 means accountability to the bottom line, not just superficial KPIs.
    • Agency Influencer Networks – As more B2B brands come on board the influencer marketing train, they’ll want to fast track the most difficult part: identifying, qualifying and recruiting influencer partners. Specialist agencies will maintain relationships with networks of industry specific influencers and be able to provide new clients with near-immediate connections with experts that might otherwise take months to nurture.
    • Brand Influencers – Employee advocacy can tip the scales in favor of the B2B brands that are able to activate their staff and this trend will continue. Additionally, more B2B brands will invest in the building of influence for their key executives. B2B brands that both harvest relationships with top industry influencers and build the influence of their key execs and subject matter experts could see a multiplier effect on warming the market, building trust, thought leadership, and credibility when it comes to the confidence needed to make purchasing decisions.
    The definition of influencer will broaden enabling brands to activate more of the individuals internally and externally playing a role in delivering the best experiences for customers.” — Lee Odden @LeeOdden Share on X

    Putting 2021 B2B Influencer Marketing Trends to the Test

    2021 will see B2B marketers taking influencer marketing into not only a new year but a new more mainstream era of wider adoption among major brands, and the insightful predictions we’ve examined here are sure to play out in altogether new and sometimes unpredictable ways.

    Want to start your own pilot B2B influencer marketing program? Learn how to start at our pilot B2B influencer marketing resource center.

    * Prophix, LinkedIn and Treasure Data are TopRank Marketing clients.