Yahoo News now offers custom RSS feeds. If you use Yahoo News alerts now you can easily switch to custom RSS feeds and read them in My Yahoo! or any other RSS reader.
“Yahoo! News is now offering the following feeds in the RSS format. The feeds are free of charge to use for individuals and non-profit organizations for non-commercial use. Attribution (included in each feed) is required.”
The feeds are keyword-based and very easy to set up. Via and Google BlogScoped.
Custom RSS feeds from search results are available via MSN Search. (look at the bottom left of your search results). You can also get them from a search on MSNBC Newsbot. MSN also has it’s own web based RSS Reader.
Ask Jeeves offers pre-categorized News RSS feeds and Google is absent from providing anything in RSS format.
The importance for information sources ranging from search engines to major news publications to provide RSS feeds is increasing at a rapid rate. Wired ran a story recently called “The need for feeds” that discusses how media publishers are offering RSS feeds as well as developing their own RSS readers. “RSS is a huge opportunity for all publishers. It is just a matter of finding the right audience,”.
If you want to know more about RSS, including how to set up feeds and how to market them, I highly recommend the book “Unleash the marketing and publishing power of RSS” by Rok Hrastnik.