When you think of mobile marketing, visions of searches for store hours, maps and getting tips from Facebook friends about good restaurants probably come to mind – all consumer focused. But what about B2B marketing and mobile?
Why mobile marketing for B2B demand generation:
In many countries, including the U.S., more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers. (Google). That means B2B demand gen content must be mobile friendly. Also, 52% of B2B customers are using smartphones to research products for their businesses. (Forrester) so the demand is certainly there.
So which B2B companies using mobile marketing can we learn from?
Here are a few examples:
ACCESS is a FedEx Corp publication available for mobile consumption through iPad, Kindle Fire and Android devices. The ACCESS mobile magazine app offers interactive features designed specifically for tablets and Android smartphones, including videos and dynamic slideshows.
Power More is a Dell content platform that provides customized content to technology decision-makers optimized for mobile devices.
(Disclosure, Dell is a TopRank Marketing client)
Gateway to Emerson is an iPad app that is among numerous mobile apps and mobile optimized experiences launched by Emerson Electric Co.for their businesses including
multiple iPhone and iPad apps for Emerson Climate Technologies.
3M’s Post-it® Plus app for iPhone and iPad enables users to capture images of their Post-it notes, share and collaborate with other business people.
To put mobile marketing to work for your own B2B demand gen programs, here are a few “quick hit” tactics to implement:
1. Optimize for Mobile: At a minimum, marketers can ensure their websites are optimized for mobile experiences. Whether the site is simply responsive and adaptable across devices, a dedicated mobile site is created or an app – B2B marketers should learn their customer’s preferences for mobile content discovery and consumption so those content experiences can be optimized.
Not sure if your site is mobile friendly? Use Google’s tool.
2. Faster Mobile Content FTW! Also, make sure your demand gen content loads quickly in mobile devices or it can suffer in mobile search engine rankings. Check your website’s page load speed with this tool from Google.
3. Make video mobile ready. Video is a top content type consumed on mobile devices, 61% of B2B users watch mobile video relating to their work (IDG). But some video formats and hosting platforms only work on desktops. Make sure your B2B video content is mobile friendly for the best possible experience for your prospects.
By creating content that can be discovered, consumed and interacted with in ways your B2B buyers prefer, you can optimize your ability to attract, engage and convert more leads, deals and revenue. That sounds like a perfect opportunity for B2B marketers, don’t you think?
Top photo: Shutterstock