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[eBook] Welcome to The 2016 Content Marketing Summer Games

Posted on Aug 18th, 2016
Written by TopRank Marketing
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Content Marketing Summer Games Cover Image

    Every year, thousands of high school students head to the track, pool, or stadium dreaming of greatness. Hundreds make it to college-level competition. A handful become pros. But when all’s said and done, just one athlete takes the gold.

    Likewise, content marketing has become a highly competitive landscape. Thousands of writers, brands, marketers and entrepreneurs compete day in and day out for attention on the web. But did you know that a single consumer is exposed to thousands of marketing messages every single day? And that 50% of content marketers don’t know what success looks like?

    To have a shot at connecting with your audience, you must become a champion content marketer. But what does that look mean?

    In our latest eBook, The 2016 Content Marketing Summer Games, we uncover the 7 traits of champion content marketers, and tapped into medal winning advice from 7 content marketing athletes to help you train for content marketing greatness.

    What Makes a Champion Content Marketer?

    We all have the opportunity to do something great, but it’s the dedication to training and pushing yourself to be better that makes true champions. This eBook will identifies and provides guidance on traits of champion content marketers including: how to create a winning experience, ways to push content potential, how to confront your fears, and more!

    Insights From Medal Winning Content Marketers

    We were fortunate enough to gain some incredibly valuable insights from some amazing content marketing athletes at brands like LinkedIn, Uberflip, UPS and GE Digital. Here’s a preview of some of the medal winning advice you’ll learn from these champion marketers:

    “Be careful not to stretch yourself too thin. Top athletes and top marketers have an unyielding sense of focus.” @amrynnie Tweet This

    “Experience content the way your customers do by looking at your content experience with a fresh set of eyes.” @hanaabaza Tweet This

    “When building your content marketing muscles, collaboration & conversation are key components of success.” @robzie_ Tweet This

    “Every content marketer should schedule time to refresh old content. If you don’t schedule time to do it, it won’t happen.” @amywhiggins Tweet This

    “Become a source of trusted answers by identifying pressing questions and answering them.” @cnmoody Tweet This

    “Go outside of your comfort zone to spark creativity by getting a fresh perspective from new resources.” @JournoMaggie Tweet This

    “Content curation should be an essential part of every marketer’s daily training routine.” @TweetsFromPawan Tweet This

    Learn to Become a Champion Content Marketer

    The tips, tactics and insights in this new eBook are all focused on one thing; helping you become a content marketing champion. Now’s the time to dust off your keyboard and start stretching your content marketing muscles to prepare for the race of your life! Take the first step by downloading The 2016 Content Marketing Summer Games. 
