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B2B Marketing News: Top B2B Demand Gen Priorities, Instagram’s New Ad Format, Podcasting Ad Spend Rises, & LinkedIn’s New Tech Marketing Guide

Posted on Mar 18th, 2022
Written by Lane Ellis
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  • B2B Marketing News: Top B2B Demand Gen Priorities, Instagram’s New Ad Format, Podcasting Ad Spend Rises, & LinkedIn’s New Tech Marketing Guide
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    2022 March 18 SBI Research Chart Image

    B2B Marketers’ Biggest Demand Generation Challenges
    68 percent of B2B marketers say that email is their top channel choice for demand generation efforts, followed by organic social at 39 percent, paid social at 36 percent, and website or blog efforts also with 36 percent — one of several findings of interest to digital marketers contained in newly-released survey data. MarketingProfs

    Study: Global Contextual Ad Market To Hit $335B By 2026
    The global contextual advertising market is expected to reach nearly $200 billion in 2022, and $64.6 billion in the U.S., with increases forecast to top $335 billion by 2026, while activity-based advertising is expected to hit $195 billion by 2026, according to recently-released report data. MediaPost

    B2B Marketers Set Their Demand Gen Priorities for 2022 [Report]
    Marketing-sales alignment, avoiding missed lead opportunities, and increased marketing qualified lead (MQL) conversion rates were among top demand generation priorities among B2B marketers, according to recently-released survey data. MarketingCharts

    “Marketing doesn’t create demand, the customers’ needs do. Which means our marketing has to instead address the most likely gap in the process: making sure they think of us when those needs arise.” — Amber Naslund @AmberCadabra Share on X

    LinkedIn Publishes New Guide to Help Technology Marketers Boost Campaign Performance
    Microsoft-owned LinkedIn has published a collection of handy tips on a variety of tool usage and ad insights for the professional social platform, featured in LinkedIn’s (client) new technology marketing guide, the firm recently announced. Social Media Today

    Instagram Begins Testing Ads at the Top of Feed With a ‘Small Number’ of People
    Meta-owned Instagram has started testing a new type of digital ad on the platform, which will appear atop user newsfeeds and which is intended to boost personalized ad performance for business advertisers, Instagram recently announced. Adweek

    Majority Of Advertisers Plan To Increase Spend On Podcasting and Streaming Audio
    53 percent of marketers say they plan to spend more on podcast advertising in 2022, with 54 percent saying that they plan to increase digital and streaming audio ad spending — two of several statistics of interest to digital marketers contained in newly-released survey data. InsideRadio

    2022 March 18 Statistics Image

    Facebook rolls out new tools for Group admins to manage their communities and reduce misinformation
    Meta-owned Facebook has launched an array of new tools for helping group administrators on the social platforms find relevant new members, along with a variety of community management features aimed at existing group users, Facebook recently announced. TechCrunch

    Microsoft Advertising Editor Gains Audience Network Control
    Previously only available jointly via application programming interface (API) calls, Microsoft’s Audience Network and Advertising Editor have now become integrated, allowing digital marketers to more easily perform an array of ad campaign tasks, Microsoft recently announced. Search Engine Roundtable

    Instagram is finally letting livestreamers add moderators
    Instagram has launched a new feature that allows users conducting live-streams on the platform to specify and utilize moderators for the streams, in an effort to curb irrelevant or harassing live-stream participation, the social platform recently announced. The Verge

    2022 State of SalesTech: Driving Adoption of Critical Operational Tools
    When it comes to sales technology, many of the tools that marketers are increasingly noting as the most important — including video selling — have gone unused in their organizations, according to newly-released report data. SBI, The Growth Advisory


    2022 March 18 Marketoonist Comic Image

    A lighthearted look at “artificial intelligence” by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

    A brief tour of the PDP-11, the most influential minicomputer of all time — Ars Technica


    • Elizabeth Williams — Total Annarchy #108: ? Reader Q&A; finding focus; a new fun tool to play with — Ann Handley
    • Lee Odden — The key to GROWING your blog audience [Video] — ActiveCampaign
    • TopRank Marketing — Top 90 Digital Marketing Agency Blogs & Websites — Feedspot

    Have you located your own most important B2B marketing news for the week? Please don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the comments below.

    Thank you for taking the time to join us for the week’s TopRank Marketing B2B marketing news, and please return again next Friday for another array of the most relevant B2B and digital marketing industry news. In the meantime, you can follow us on our LinkedIn page, or at @toprank on Twitter for even more timely daily news.