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Get Ready for the Google Dance

Posted on Aug 9th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    The Google Dance is getting started and I’m leaving in a few minutes. According to Google, here’s what to expect:

    • Join the Meet the Engineers forum and come face to face with the people who make it all happen – Google Engineers
    • Eat great food prepared by the Google Kitchen
    • Socialize and network with industry peers
    • Listen to cool sounds coming from our own Google DJ’s, as well as enjoy some live music in Club G
    • Have fun in the Google Labs technology playground area, where you’ll be able to meet people who work on our products
    • Make your own Google Doodle
    • Eat ice cream – lots of ice cream
    • Karaoke
    • Put on the newest t-shirt in your collection
    • Dunk Google Guy
    • Play with a robot or two
    • Dance!

    Sounds like a lot. I’ll be happy just to do some networking and get a bite to eat. Maybe some photos too. I’ll post Google Dance photos later this evening or in the am. We’ll see how it goes. Oh, and no lab coat for me, but I have a feeling we’ll see some.
    A lot has happened since this time last year.