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Resources for BtoB RSS Marketing

Posted on Oct 27th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    There’s lots of buzz about how to use RSS for business marketing of late, particularly for business to business RSS marketing, so here are some tried and true resources as well as a few recent articles:

    KnowledgeStorm Research Report: “How Blogs and RSS Affect B2B Technology Purchase Decisions” also covered by DMNews.

    If you work in the B2B marketing space, then you will also be interested in this upcoming webcast: “How to Use New Media to Market to IT Professionals” which is happening Nov 2nd.

    Rok Hrastnik “wrote the book” on RSS Marketing who also published “The Business Case for RSS

    Charlene Li from Forrester, “Using RSS as a Marketing Tool”

    White paper on RSS by Yahoo and Ipsos Insight,”RSS‚ÄîCrossing into the Mainstream” (pdf)

    Steve Rubel, “35 Ways You can Use RSS Today

    “RSS Marketing, Online PR and Search Engine Optimization”, yours truly.

    Amanda Watlington’s white paper, “The RSS Advertising Debate: Is It Just Commerce vs. Credibility

    Giselle Abramovich interviewed Andrew Barnett, manager of organic search at Outrider, “RSS: What it is, how to use it” providing a nice, elementary explanation of RSS.

    “10 Ways for E-Marketers to Use RSS” – Excellent article on ClickZ yesterday by Heidi Cohen, who I met at the Pheedo RSS Roundtable dinner during DMA06 in San Francisco last week.

    Bill Flitter of Pheedo also provides this handy article over at iMedia Connection, “Tips for Marketing with RSS

    What resources for business to business RSS marketing should I add to this list?