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Pubcon Day .05

Posted on Nov 14th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    After what seemed like a very long flight from Minneapolis to Las Vegas, Jolina, Karen and I have finally settled in.

    I bumped into Jeremy Schoemaker when getting off the plane РI had not met him in person before and he seemed like a nice fellow.  On the way to the ground transport and not paying attention to where I was going exactly, we ended up in the limo area seeing Jeremy again. A towncar seemed like a pretty good idea considering the notoriously long waits for taxis here in Vegas.

    I’m taking it light this evening and we will be heading over to the Las Vegas Convention center early am.¬† I’ll be posting some Pubcon conference coverage, some photos and a few videos as the week progresses.

    For day one, I will be attending the keynote with Guy Kawasaki and am torn between the sessions afterwards:¬† SEO and Big Search and Feeds, Blogs, News and Social Search.¬† Yeah, knowing me I’ll hit the latter. Then I believe it with be Link Development or Feeds and Alternative Optimization Opportunities. For lunch it will be the Yahoo sponsored lunch and overview of Panama. It should be a great first day of the conference.
    Karen will be posting a few observations of her own over at Media Relations Blog. Jolina has joined the TopRank/M&O blogging team and with Thomas’ help, has started posting over at Creative Marketing Blog.

    Speaking of Thomas, he’s helping to hold down the fort at TopRank and has been posting some handy insight into blog design, optimization and marketing over at Blogger Design.