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TopRank Holiday Party

Posted on Jan 14th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Sue, Chris and Karen looking mah-velous!

    With our move into the new office on Lake Minnetonka, we decided to do something different this year for our company holiday party. Instead of dinner at a swank and stylish restaurant downtown Minneapolis, we decided to have the party catered to our office via D’amico.

    The crazy part of all this is that we’re still working on the “furnishing” of the office which worked to our advantage for the party. The other interesting consideration was that last year there were 12 people and this year we had 22!

    I really wish I had taken more photos, but the food, conversation and Sue’s “team appreciation” presentation ala Powerpoint no less, were enough to distract me from my usual candid taking duties at social events.

    Jolina Pettice, who has been contributing to this blog as of late, did an absolutely fantastic job of coordinating the whole thing and Melinda Cayetano did her best at keeping the gifts a secret as well as presenting in a most stylish way. Many others on the team helped (Amie Krone) as well and the dinner provided an opportunity to express our appreciation (Sue, Julie and myself) of all the hard work our long term team members have put in, like Karen Sams (stupendous account manager) and Thomas McMahon (uber multi-tasking web dev, SEO and blog marketing maven).


    It was good fun and a great way to recognize (in a small way) accomplishments in 2006 as well as a vision for our growth in 2007. One thing has never changed though, and that is our “mantra” of: client > company > self that Sue does such a great job of communicating as part of our company vision and as part of the specific job responsibilities of our team members.

    We are very fortunate to have such a great group of smart, ambitious and social people on our team!