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Google Hell, Digg Revolt & Perfect Storm

Posted on May 3rd, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
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    A few quick links of worthy happenings in the industry:

    More MSM foolishness and incomplete reporting at Forbes, “Condemned to Google Hell“. Yeah, that’s right. On this one I am drinking the Google kool aid.

    Over at Search Engine Watch, Greg Jarboe reports on a recent Hitwise report about emerging trends with online news in a SearchDay article, “A Perfect Storm Hitting News and Media”. The affect of video on news, Topix and local news as well as the non-effect of sites like Digg on news are revealed. Interestingly, a recent study by the Newspaper Association of America reported that the average daily circulation of 745 newspapers reporting data fell 2.1% for the six months ended March 31, compared with the year-earlier period. There are huge marketing opportunities with online news folks.

    Google blog search ranking algorithm explained, I mean speculated, by Alister Cameron at Problogger.

    Google web history insights from what is now one of my top 5 favorite blogs, GrayWolf’s SEO Blog.

    Bruce Clay has announced a SEO contest with a focus on helping non-profits.