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Reader Poll: Is Facebook Losing it’s Luster?

Posted on Jan 20th, 2008
Written by Lee Odden
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    reader poll

    A recent report from Hitwise cited Facebook as having grown by 51% yet MySpace is still King of the online social networking world with 76% of US social network traffic. According to Nielsen Online, MySpace attracted 60.1 million visitors in December 2007 compared to 22.6 million visitors for Facebook.

    While that growth news is all fine a good, from a personal observation standpoint, I’ve noticed I’m not logging into Facebook much anymore. Many of the updates I get are irrelevant to my interests as more and more people try to boost their friend counts and I mistakenly (in hindsight) accept those requests.

    I posted a question to Twitter about not using Facebook lately and several others acknowledged the same trend which leads us to a Reader Poll question:

    [poll id=”36″]

    From a marketing standpoint, our marketing agency is continuing testing and refinement of Facebook marketing as much as we ever have. But I’m curious if readers of this blog have noticed changes in their personal use of Facebook?

    If you can share context or reasons for your answer in the comments, I’m sure other readers would appreciate it as would I.