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5 SEO Posts that Rocked Our October

Posted on Nov 3rd, 2008
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    In October we decided to mix things up a bit and offer more posts with practical tips, especially the SEO Basics series. While many of our readers appreciate industry insights, observations, conference coverage and interviews, it was the practical tips and resources that attracted the most interest.

    While started out with tips focused on search engine optimization in October, we’ll begin offering similarly practical tips for digital PR and social media marketing as well.

    The two day Social Media Smarts workshop in conjunction with the DMA will offer more than enough basic social media tips to share.  Here are the top 10 Online Marketing Blog posts according to visitors, post ratings and incoming links for October:

    • SEO Tops Recession Internet Marketing Tactics – Over 400 internet marketing professionals took this survey to identify the top Internet marketing tactics to focus on over the next 6 months and SEO came out on top.
    • SEO Basics: Are Directory Submissions Still Worthwhile? – A topic that’s pretty much a blast from the past, this post questions the value of submitting web sites to directories to attract traffic and for SEO. Google’s recent changes to their webmaster recommendations gives the impression directories are even less valuable than previously thought. Also this post earned TopRank a spot on “SEO Rockstars” at WebmasterRadio.FM.
    • SEO Basics: 4 Tips to Improve Search Engine Rankings – Our SEO Basics series of posts were popular out of the gate. Each post is based on a real question posed by a web site owner. The idea is not new or unique, but is one of the best ways to source content for a blog in a way that wins for everyone involved. This post offers the first or top 3 things a web site owner should do to improve their search visibility. As much as search engines have evolved and become more sophisticated, SEO fundamentals are still about crawler friendly, keywords, content and links.
    • SEO Basics: Ensure Your Site Can be Crawled by Search Engines – Speaking of crawler friendly, this post is dedicated to addressing the most common issue for web site owners that are not doing well in search results.  This post provides the most common issues and considerations with generous links to 3rd party resources.
    • The Yin and Yang of PR and SEO – The popular SEO topic share the stage with public relations in this post that describes the interplay between keyword optimizing content and link building compared to keyword messaging and pitching with media relations. As search and PR converge, the skill sets from each discipline combine to create even more value for web site owners.

    If you’re a regular reader of Online Marketing Blog, we’d love to get your feedback on your favorite topics and post formats. We’ll continue to offer marketing conference liveblogging, interviews, insights and tips but want to make sure we’re posting the kind of content that works for you. Please share your feedback on how we’re doing in the comments or email to seo at toprankmarketing dot com.