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TopRank March 09 Events: Pubcon SXSW PRSA SESNY

Posted on Mar 3rd, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    So much for taking time off from the conference and speaking drill. February was a sweet reprise from a whirlwhind tour of speaking events in 4th quarter 2008. Now February is over and March starts the conference schedule for TopRank Online Marketing once again. Here are the conferences I’ll be speaking at or just attending over the next few weeks. If you’re attending any of these, please follow @leeodden and let’s connect.

    Pubcon South – Austin, Texas.  March 11 – 13, 2009

    On March 12, 2009 I will be presenting on two regular sessions covering Twitter and PR SEO as well as a Super Session on social media marketing.  Here are the details:

    The Twitter and Micro Blogging Revolution: Someone can promote or criticize and maybe even make/break your brand in just 140 characters. This panel will look at real world microblogging through Twitter and other outlets to drive website traffic and branding campaigns.

    Moderated by Joe Laratro, the speakers for this session include:  Dan Zarrella, Social Viral marketing Consultant – David Snyder, Search and Social – Jon Henshaw, Product Manager, Raven Internet Marketing Tools and Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Online Marketing..

    Intersection of SEO and PR Agencies:  PR Agencies, SEO, and where the two meet. This panel of PR experts will look at using SEO within the PR space from simple release optimization to advanced techniques.  Anyone with PR responsibilities would do well to attend this session. Your job may depend on it.

    Moderated by Mark Jackson, this session includes Sean Jackson, CEO/Creator, Lead Maverick and Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Online Marketing..  I would expect there would be at least one more speaker posted before the event.

    Super Session : Social Media & Business:  This new social critter is tough for a business to come to terms with. Good reviews, bad reviews, mega traffic, reputation management – wow, what in the world are we getting ourselves into here?   This panel of esteemed social media stars will discuss the current state of social and how business are using and can use it in the future.

    Moderated by conference owner and chair, Brett Tabke, this session includes speakers:  Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs – Wayne Sutton, Social Media Strategist & Technology Evangelist and Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Online Marketing.

    SXSW Interactive – Austin, Texas. March 13-17, 2009

    This will be my first time attending a South by South West event and to be honest, unless I am speaking I don’t usually attend a conference like this. However, with Pubcon blending into the SXSW Interactive event, it just made sense to stay a few extra days. I’m looking forward to keynotes from Guy Kawasaki, Tony Hseih from Zappos and Chris Anderson from Wired as well as a ton of panels ranging from “Lessons in Community Management” to “Are PR Agencies a Dying Breed?” to “Curating the Crowd-Sourced World” and the infamous SXSW nightlife. I may or may not attend “Social Engineering: Scam Your Way Into Anything or From Anybody”.

    PRSA Workshop:  SEO for Public Relations – New York, NY. March 20, 2009

    I’ll be doing a one day workshop on SEO and PR to help in-house and agency public relations professionals gain a foundation for how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works for news content. We’ll discuss the key challenges and new opportunities for producing, optimizing, promoting and tracking results for digital PR.

    Specifically, attendees  will learn how to:

    • Understand the new opportunities of search and SEO
    • Plan and organize search engine optimization efforts for news
    • Conduct keyword research
    • Optimize press releases, online news room and blogs
    • Identify and implement opportunities for digital asset optimization
    • Implement link building tactics
    • Measure and report results

    Search Engine Strategies NY – New York, NY. March 23-27, 2009

    Search Engine Strategies New York is one of, if not THE, largest Search Marketing Conference on the East Coast. I will be presenting on 3 panels during the conference March 23-27 which has keynotes from Guy Kawasaki and author John Gerzema.  All 3 of the panels I’m speaking on happen on March 26th.  Here are the details:

    SEO Through Blogs & Feeds: Not yet running a blog? Not syndicating your content through web feeds? Then you’re missing out on an important area that can help your overall SEO efforts. Learn more about the unique advantages blogs and feeds offer to search engine optimization.

    Moderated by Rebecca Lieb from VP, U.S. Operations, Econsultancy and author of the recently published, “The Truth About Search Engine Optimization”, this panel includes a motley crew of blogging marketers: Michael Gray, Owner of Atlas Web Service, Sally Falkow, President of, PRESSfeed and Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Online Marketing.

    Brand & Reputation Management – Can you use a competitor’s trademark in your own search advertising? Or what if a competitor has an ad running on your trademarked brand name? Should you engage professional legal help or are there other options? What if bloggers are posting negative or false claims about your brands and these are spreading with viral speed through other blogs? Are there ways to get these damaging messages out of the search engines? This session will provide an exploration of these and other brand protection issues.

    VP of Marketing at ExactTarget Jeffrey Rohrs will be moderating this session that includes a variety of perspectives on reputation management including: Kristjan Mar Hauksson, Dir. Search & Online Comm./ Managing Partner at Nordic eMarketing, Mark J. Rosenberg, Of Counsel, Sills Cummis & Gross P.C., Lela Phommasouvanh, Senior Search Marketing Consultant at FindLaw and Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Online Marketing.

    Blogging for Business – With more than 71 million blogs currently being tracked by Technorati, the opportunities for businesses to speak with their customers is nearly unlimited. That’s why more and more companies are turning to the blogosphere to connect with consumers. Never before have businesses had such effective access to the frustrations and desires of their target audience. Learn more about harnessing the power of blogs to build buzz about a business online.

    Moderator duties will be conducted by none other than Matt McGowan, VP & Publisher of Incisive Media and an esteemed mix of blogger speakers: Jennifer Evans Laycock, Dir. of Social Media, SiteLogic, Editor-in-Chief, Search Engine Guide, Michael Gray, Owner of Atlas Web Service, Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing and Paul Woodhouse, Director of Organic Web Strategies at Direct Online Marketing.

    Be sure to stop by and say hello or feel free to Tweet me – I’d love to meet up with people in person that I’ve connected with virutally.