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26 Top Search Marketing Blogs By RSS Subscribers

Posted on Aug 6th, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    top sem blogsRemember the Grinch? “Noise, noise, noise!”  Many marketers feel the same way about the plethora of search marketing blogs. We’ve been managing a list of over 500 search marketing blogs (BIGLIST) for the past 3+ years and know a little something about the category. SEO blog reviews are helpful, but some people want a qualifyer when deciding what’s noise and what’s worth checking out. That’s why we’ve assembled a top SEM blogs list ranked by RSS Subscribers. The first list is here.

    Below is an updated list of 26 top Search Marketing Blogs with Google Webmaster Central dominating followed by upward movement by SEOMoz and Search Engine Land.  Online Marketing Blog, Marketing Pilgrim and Graywolf’s Blog have seen big increases as well. We’ve also added several blogs that made the 2,000 subscribers cutoff. Enjoy:

    Google Webmaster Central

    Matt Cutts


    Search Engine Land

    Search Engine Watch

    Search Engine Roundtable (normal feed)

    Search Engine Roundtable (full feed)

    Online Marketing Blog

    Marketing Pilgrim

    Search Engine Guide

    Graywolf’s SEO Blog

    Get Elastic

    Andy Beard


    Small Business SEM



    Hobo UK SEO Blog

    SEO Scoop


    Clix Marketing

    SEO Pedia


    Dan Zarrella

    There are plenty of really good SEO blogs not included because they don’t publish their RSS feed numbers. These include: SEOBook, Stuntdubl, SEO by the SeaBruce ClayDaveN, SEO 2.0 Blog, 97th Floor, 10e20, Johnon, Biznology, ClickZ Blog, Multilingual Search, Bing Webmaster Blog, jane and robot, Mediadonis, Search Engine People, Daily SEO Tip, Traffick, Yahoo Search Marketing BlogCre8pc, Yoast, and others.

    Are there other SEO or SEM blogs that have at least 2,000 RSS subscribers AND that are using/publishing Feedburner subscribers we should add?