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Reader Poll: Help Make Online Marketing Blog Even Better!

Posted on Apr 20th, 2010
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Thanks to readers like you, TopRank’s Online Marketing Blog has experienced a long and rich blogging life over the past 6+ years with 2,300+ posts, hundreds of thousands of unsolicited links from powerful industry web sites and content that has helped thousands of readers become smarter online marketers.

    We watch what our readers say in comments on and off the site as well as looking at referring keywords in web analytics and site search keywords to get an idea of what our valued community is interested in. With over 30,000 RSS subscribers and well over 100,000 unique visitors, we appreciate your attention a great deal and want to do our best to be a helpful resource.

    To help us further refine the content we offer you, please complete the following poll on what types of posts you like best.  If you have more to say, such as what topics you would like to see more of, or any other insights, please make suggestions in the comments.


    Thank you for participating in this poll and if you ‘ve made a comment, thank you even more for sharing your insight!   If it wasn’t for you, TopRank Online Marketing Blog wouldn’t have become one of the most popular marketing blogs on the web.