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What Are the Best UK Online Marketing Blogs?

Posted on Feb 2nd, 2011
Written by Lee Odden
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    UK Online Marketing Blogs

    Photo from my trip to Tower of London

    2/8/11 5pm CST: The Poll is now closed. Vote logs will be reviewed & if necessary adjustments will be made.  The final rating of the top 5 blogs will be based on:  A review of content, post quality & quantity, Links, PR & PostRank. A review of the top 5 and “lessons learned” will be posted on Monday 2/14.  Thank you for participating.

    A while back I created a list of SEO blogs and continued to review and add a handful of blogs every week for about 2 years. I use “SEO” somewhat loosely, since most search marketers are adept at a variety of online marketing tactics including social, PPC, email and content.

    With a trip to London coming up soon and plenty of great online marketing advice being published by UK internet marketing bloggers, what better time than now to offer a BIGLIST update focused on UK marketing blogs?

    To make it interesting, I’ve compiled an initial list of 35 internet marketing blogs for you to choose from. There are links to all at the bottom of the post. Now vote!

    [poll id=”65″]

    Winners might get some kind of cool TopRank shwag or other prize (I’m still deciding) but will definitely see a well written review with links for each of 5 the winners.

    I decided to use 5 simple criteria for selection with this initial list of 35:

    1. Eyeball review of the blog for intended audience and topics covered
    2. If available, subscriber counts
    3. PageRank of the home page
    4. Most recent post date
    5. PostRank score

    BIGLIST Search Marketing Blogs

    Be sure to check out the 35 UK Online Marketing & SEO blogs using the links below, but not before you’ve had a chance to pick your five favorites in the poll above.

    There are others as well, and the entire group is in the queue for review to be included in our BIGLIST of SEM blogs.

    Voting is open until Feb 8, end of day (-6 GMT).   I’ll be announcing the top 5 winners at SES London as I moderate the SEO Through Blogs & Feeds session. There will also be a review of each winning blog posted here as well.

    Thanks to:  @kevgibbo@AllisterF@DavidTutin and @peteyoung for suggestions that contributed to this list.