I know it sounds odd, but
Macromedia Adobe recently announced Contribute 4 and one of the key features is blogging. Contribute as desktop publishing software? Yep.
According to Contribute’s website, the application now supports MetaWeblog which means it should work with WordPress, Blogger, Movable Type and many others.
At first thought, Contribute doesn’t seem like your average blogging application and that’s because it isn’t. Contribute has worked its way into many workplaces as WYSIWYG website editing software. It was a great solution for those that wanted to edit their website, yet steer clear of the technical aspect of a website.
It’s that pre-built user base that makes integrating blogging capability the perfect next step. Teaching clients how to blog can be a challenge. There is a new interface, a new login/admin area and a whole new system to learn. With Contribute, that learning curve is lessened as they already know how to use the software and may already be comfortable using it.
It took me by surprise at first but adding blogging capabilities to Contribute seems to be then ext logical step. Not only are we installing more and more blogs for clients, but we also already use Contribute to let clients control their own content. This is just the next logical step in Contribute’s evolution.
I haven’t tried Contribute 4 yet, however I’m very interested to see how it all plays out.
[tags]contribute, contribute 4, wysiwyg, blogging, adobe, macromedia, metaweblog[/tags]