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ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day Two Roundup

Posted on Jul 26th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Day two of ad:tech Chicago rounded up with a sigh. With all the parties Monday night, I think some of the attendees were looking forward to the end of the day. Lots of good sessions and a few duds, but that’s the way it goes with most conferences. Luckily, the two sessions I covered went pretty well. There were quite a few folks covering the conference so I’ve assembled a list of all search marketing and related posts below:

    Coverage by the ad:tech blog:

    It’s Hard Out Here for a Traffic Pimp
    Waiting for Your Cat to Bark
    Developing an Integrated Local Media Strategy
    Local Integration
    TV Is Changing And TV Companies Better Follow

    AdSpace on MySpace – Advertising with Social Media
    Making Search Even More Efficient! Increasing Your Search Ranking Via PR and Search as a Branding Mechanism
    Intelligence and Idiocy Fill ad:tech Chicago’s Party Scene
    Customer Analytics and Marketing Dashboards – The Gift that Keeps on Giving
    Booth Babe Offers Relief From Long, Hard Day
    Mastering Your Domains
    Link Building – It’s All About Quality
    Many Monday Night Parties Emerge at Chicago ad:tech
    Bullets ‘R Us: Best Practices in Design
    Creative Blather Concludes ‘Creative Is Non-Linear’
    Sessions covered here at Online Marketing Blog:

    Link Building
    Big Brands and Podcasting
    Warm and Cozy SEO
    Waiting for Your Cat to Bark
    Advertising with Social Media
    ad:tech Announces New Programming Chair Drew Ianni
    ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day One Roundup

    Posts by Frank Gruber for iMedia Connection:
    WOM in the New Social Media Landscape
    Creating the Positive User Experience
    Advertising on Social Networks
    Integrate Your Local Media Strategy

    Posts from the team at DMNews:
    Big-Brand Marketers Take Time, Care With New Initiatives
    Keynoter Offers Model, Metrics for Cross-Channel Engagement
    Ad:tech: Integrated Media Spurs Innovation
    Panel: Consumers Trail Speeding TV Technology
    Panelists Talk Soaring Mobile Platform
    Ad:tech: Keynote Focuses on Design Through Creativity, Social Responsibility
    How Many Keywords Does FedEx Have?
    Ad:tech Chicago: Key Trends Impacting Advertising, Media and Technology
    Drew Ianni Succeeds Susan Bratton as ad:tech Chair

    Overall, a pretty good show! Thanks to ad:tech and Steve Hall for having me participate in the conference coverage. You can find out more about ad:tech and upcoming shows at the ad:tech web site.