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AD:TECH Survey Results

Posted on Jan 14th, 2004
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Heavy Internet Marketers Reveal What’s Working What’s Not, & 2004 Budgets

    Article: From

    At the time of this post, the link above will reveal the entire article, but after a week or so, I believe it’s placed in a pay-to-view situation (nominal fee).

    One of the comments I found interesting was, “We expect SEO spending to continue strong in 2004…” Companies that are tired of spending money on PPC like a water faucet will increasingly look to reputable SEO firms for guidance. That is not to say PPC is going away, or has matured, or anything like that. As marketing organizations within companies are increasingly held accountable, the drive towards finding cost effective tactics will simply increase.

    The effect of an organic search engine optimization program can be significantly lower cost per conversion AND if it’s ongoing inlcuding some or all of these tactics such as link building, optimized press releases and blog marketing, then results can be cumulative through the life of the campaign.