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5 Inspiring Reasons For B2B Marketing Optimism in 2021

Posted on Jan 20th, 2021
Written by Lane Ellis
In this article
  • 1 — We’re More United As Teams & As Communities
  • 2 — We’re Poised To Unleash Tremendous New Energy
  • 3 — Our Gratitude Will Create Great Marketing That Makes a Difference
  • 4 — We’ve Got More Tools & Tactics Than Ever
  • 5 — We’re Stronger From Overcoming Pandemic Marketing Challenges
  • Embrace A Positive 2021 Overflowing With New Marketing Opportunity

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TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

Happy business woman smiling image.

How can the intense brightness that often follows humankind’s darkest moments help us achieve greater team unity and newfound marketing energy, gratitude and strength?

As the pandemic marches on into its second year, B2B marketers looking to rise above despair and make this a brighter and more successful year can look especially to the five reasons we’ve gathered here for being optimistic about the many positive opportunities and experiences that 2021 holds in store.

Let’s jump right in and take a look at five inspiring reasons for B2B marketing optimism in 2021 and beyond.

1 — We’re More United As Teams & As Communities

Despite the difficult pandemic challenges of 2020 that have continued into 2021, B2B marketers have gained a newfound understanding of the power of successful teamwork, even as remote work has typically meant less physically time together.

Online collaboration systems are undoubtedly flourishing as never before, as teams meet and share in fascinating and sometimes unanticipated new ways using Zoom, Slack,* and so many other powerful tools for digital integration.

Teams that haven’t been used to working together remotely have gained not only new technology skills, but a new sense of understanding and appreciation for work associates and the challenges we all face — issues that were largely unseen in professional life during pre-pandemic times.

“Teams that haven't been used to working together remotely have gained not only new technology skills, but a new sense of understanding and appreciation for work associates and the challenges we all face.” — Lane R. Ellis @lanerellis Share on X

2 — We’re Poised To Unleash Tremendous New Energy

Be ready to tap into the pure and boundless energy that are likely to overflow when our professional and personal lives are safely able to return to not quite what they were, but as close as we can come.

The day World War II ended saw great global celebrations and relief, and while the pandemic recovery won’t likely be such an overnight occurrence, when we collectively switch to lives more closely resembling those we had before the global health crisis, each of us will be able to harness tremendous new energy, which can’t help but inspire our marketing efforts and lives in new and exciting ways.

When this post-pandemic energy is released into the B2B marketing world, the floodgates of creativity are likely to open and drive increased focus on campaigns that connect brand and customer in deeper and more meaningful ways.

“When post-pandemic energy is released into the B2B marketing world, the floodgates of creativity are likely to open and drive increased focus on campaigns that connect brand and customer in deeper and more meaningful ways.” @lanerellis Share on X

3 — Our Gratitude Will Create Great Marketing That Makes a Difference

Living for over a year under trying circumstances has helped us to be thankful for our little victories, and to appreciate a new sense of gratitude brought on by some of those small aspects of our lives that have turned out to mean so much more than they did in pre-pandemic times.

This hard-won gratitude will go far in creating marketing efforts that tell more authentic stories, and help humanize content campaigns that allow B2B marketers to get closer to their customers.

To help you prepare to harness all that newfound gratitude, check out the following posts that explore how thankfulness can make for more powerful marketing:

“Try your best to make goodness attractive. That’s one of the toughest assignments you’ll ever be given.” — Fred Rogers @FredRogersCtr Share on X

4 — We’ve Got More Tools & Tactics Than Ever

During 2020 global usage of technology climbed in ways it’s never done before, resulting in a proliferation of new social media tools, expansion of online communication options, and the growth of marketing tactics that can help us succeed with each new possibility.

The sky’s the limit for B2B marketers who find the right tools that allow them to build relevant best-answer content. With such a wealth of application, tool, utility and service choices, the hardest challenge may simply be finding the ones that allow you to work in the manner that brings out your best.

To help you find new tools, we’ve published insight into some of the top tools for B2B marketers, such as these:

“Marketers have incredible power to spread some calm in a chaotic world right now. Use it wisely.” — Britney Muller @BritneyMuller Share on X

5 — We’re Stronger From Overcoming Pandemic Marketing Challenges

It may not be immediately apparent yet, but by overcoming the challenges the pandemic has thrown at our professional and person lives, we have gained strength that may take some time and reflection to fully appreciate.

In 2021 this strength will unfold and eventually work its way into our efforts as B2B marketers, bringing a fresh zest for the power our content has to change hearts and minds.

To help us see and appreciate the strengths we’ve added, it’s helpful to look back and reflect on the challenges we’ve faced and overcome during the past year — whether small or monumental.

Some find that making a comprehensive list of the obstacles we’ve survived helps to bring into clearer focus the progress that will infuse our 2021 marketing efforts with new strength.

“It may not be immediately apparent yet, but by overcoming the challenges the pandemic has thrown at our professional and person lives, we have gained strength that may take some time and reflection to fully appreciate.” @lanerellis Share on X

Embrace A Positive 2021 Overflowing With New Marketing Opportunity


Combined, these five reasons for B2B marketers to be optimistic — our greater team unity, energy, gratitude and strength along with powerful new tools — can provide new inspiration as we gather ourselves to face the many challenges and opportunities of 2021.

* is a TopRank Marketing client.