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BIGLIST Search Marketing Blogs Update 010709

Posted on Jan 8th, 2009
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    It’s a new year and a new update to TopRank’s BIGLIST of search marketing blogs. The BIGLIST, like many of our readers undoubtedly, suffered a bit of bloat over the holidays, so we’ve resolved to trim things up a bit and recently removed over 50 blogs for inactivity or changing focus from search and social media marketing. That mini purge made the BIGLIST hungry so here’s an update of new additions focusing on all manner of internet marketing topics. Fire up your RSS reader and enjoy.

    • Always be Testing –  Andy Edmonds, the Chief Scientist at StomperNet blogs about ecommerce analytics with useful how tos and several interesting tools like the Transaction Funnel Explorer or the Analytics UI Section Link Tagger. What would be even better is if Andy posted more frequently.
    • Monica Wright – A long time internet marketer in Portland, Maine Monica blogs about Internet Marketing, SEO, Social Media and other topics that come to mind like Karate, kids and Zima.
    • Dan Zarrella – Dan is a self described, “Social Media and Viral Marketing Scientst”, and a web developer who blogs about the social media, viral marketing and SEO focused research he does and tools he’s created like the Link Attraction Factors tools and the recent Tweetbacks blog plugin.
    • We Build Pages Blog – As the search marketing industry has evolved, so has We Build Pages with a new blog  that includes posts from WBP staff, CEO Jim Boykin and the excellent writing style of Lisa Barone.
    • Search Light Digital – Pete Wailes and Teifion Jordan blog a mix of SEO topics about twice weekly ranging from coding tips to content creation to multivariate testing.  
    • SEO Writer – David Leonhardt of the Happy Guy Marketing blogs tips for better SEO , social media, marketing and of course, a bit about Google.

    C’mon, admit it. It’s a real honor to be included on the BIGLIST, so why not share the good news? Get the BADGE here.