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BIGLIST Update: SEM Blog Reviews Snarky Edition 020410

Posted on Feb 5th, 2010
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

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    Welcome to the newest  BIGLIST review of Search Marketing Blogs. We have a little bit of everything today ranging from Chinese focused PPC to the World’s Greatest SEO to a steaming pile of SEO Bull$#*t. Enjoy!

    If you think your blog deserves to be included, then write a compelling and maybe humorous comment below. We’ll almost certainly ignore it but you never know. 🙂

    The SEO blog design recognition for this week’s BIGLIST update goes to a newer blog from an experienced search marketer:  SEO Mofo. I like the clean, yet colorful (and irreverent) design of this blog by Darren Slatten, self proclaimed “world’s greatest SEO”.  Darren has a sense of humor, SEO and blog smarts and according to his bio, no social life.  That should mean some entertaining and useful blog posts – at least from what I’ve seen so far.

    Gordon Choi’s PPC Blog – If you need to know about Google AdWords, Baidu or any Chinese internet marketing and PPC topics, this is the blog to read (in English). Gordon’s been blogging since 2006 and has covered a variety of SEO and SEM topics and has assembled his own list of SEM Blogs.

    Efficient Frontier Insights -For a large agency that has been providing SEM services since 2002 to have a blog less than a year old in 2010 might seem off, but as the name implies, you’ll find plenty of insights and best practices  on search marketing here with posts written by a mix of agency staff.

    ClickRain Blog – Based in Sioux Falls, Paul Ten Haken blogs about his agency, online marketing tips/how to’s and personal observations. There isn’t a slant towards SEO tactics dujour or limited to agency chest beating, you get a mix of everything which is good for an agency blog.

    Sixth Man Marketing Blog –  Working out of Spokane, Ed Reese blogs on a variety of search marketing topics, industry/events and about his own consulting experiences. But his focus is mostly on local search.

    SEO Bull$#*t – Catches your attention doesn’t it?  If you’re not really into SEO, sarcastic humor or expletives, then this blog isn’t for you. Expect an ongoing rant about SEO topics from SEO smarties like theGypsy and Sebastian as well as a promise to “tread the fine line between personal expression and just being a %&#$  !@*&#%”.

    Certainly it should go without saying that blogs that are recognized on the BIGLIST should share the good news. This is the social web after all, so get your BIGLIST badge here and shine it up.