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Business Blogs and Marketing

Posted on May 12th, 2005
Written by Lee Odden
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    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    eMarketer has issued a new report on blogging for businesses: “The Business of Blogging”

    The report “looks at the implications of the blogging phenomenon for businesses, scans the corporate world’s blogging activity, and offers recommendations for business users.”

    Interestingly, “just 4% of major US corporations have blogs available to the public ¬ó and even fewer produce active sites with the link and feedback features that most readers associate with true blogs.”

    The rate of blog readership in general is not growing as fast as it was during the political race last year, but as a business communication tool, business blog creation and readership is definitely growing. Read Anita Campbell’s post, 10% of Small Business Marketing Plans Include Blogs where she describes a study by HP on small business owners.

    The number of business blog consulting services is also increasing. My company, TopRank Online Marketing offers a full range of blog marketing services from blog optimization to content linking programs to RSS marketing.

    Several other excellent business blog consultants include John Jantsch and Paul Chaney who I will be blogging with over at