Since I arrived on the tail end of the DMA07 show, I haven’t taken as many photos as I’d like, but here are a few so far.

Welcome to DMA07

Matt Bailey, Heather Lloyd Martin, Detlev Johnson

Wrestling a microphone on the Link Building Panel

Daron Babin Glamour Shot

Exhibit Hall – Where are all the SEM vendors?

The DMA ECHO Awards included a search marketing category for the first time and I was a judge.

Upgraded room view at the W Hotel. Nice!
About the author
Lee Odden has been recognized as a top B2B Marketing professional by Forbes, The Economist and the Wall Street Journal. For over 20 years he's worked with his team at TopRank Marketing to help elevate the B2B marketing industry through creative marketing programs that deliver more authentic, experiential and inclusive content for brands like LinkedIn, Dell and Adobe. Lee is the author of Optimize and has published over 1.4 million words on his agency's B2B marketing blog. As a trusted marketing thought leader, he has given nearly 300 presentations in 20 different countries on B2B content, search and influencer marketing. When not marketing, Lee is probably running, cooking or traveling.