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Facebook on the Ropes?

Posted on Dec 3rd, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
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    Damn, it was a tough weekend for Facebook on the publicity/blogosphere front. With Beacon blatantly selling out Facebook users’ privacy whether they’re logged in or not has nowhere else to go but controversial.

    A platform built on community now making more aggressive efforts to monetize that community and not being honest about it smacks of downward spiral. But that’s just me. Here are thoughts from others you might be interested in:

    Blognation – I’m Ready to Bail on Facebook – the New Face of Evil (Brian Solis) – Has Silicon Valley Pulled an About Face on Facebook?

    The Idea Shower (Nate Weiner) – Facebook, Here is Misinformation

    Star Tribune (Jackie Crosby) – Bloggers seeing red over Target’s little secret

    PC World – Facebook’s Beacon More Intrusive Than Previously Thought

    Global Neighborhoods (Shel Israel) – Is Facebook Starting to Fade?

    Influential Marketing (Karl Long guest post for Rohit) – Facebook Jumping the Shark –

    Mind you, I didn’t look for any of these stories, they just popped up in the various news sources I pay attention to. What’s your take on Facebook Beacon? Is this a blip like the announcement about sharing friends’ feeds or is it much, much more?