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Free Visual eBook: 20 Ways to Rock The Social Web

Posted on Nov 27th, 2012
Written by TopRank Marketing
In this article
  • The Playlist
  • Tweeting Made Easy
  • Looking For More Advice On Rocking the Social Web?

Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

20 Ways to Rock the Social WebThe music business is tough. Everyone wants to be a star but only some put in the time, effort and bring the talent to really make a difference and become successful.

“Making it” in the social media world isn’t so different. Everyone seems to be a “social media guru” but few seem to deliver on the promise of making a difference and achieving a positive impact on business outcomes.  But like the music business, there are those few who bring varying degrees of talent, dedication and smarts to really leverage the social web to become rockstars in their respective industries and roles.

With social media success comes the opportunity to share lessons learned, insights and advice for others that seek to earn their way into the social media rockstar hall of fame.  In October we recognized a group of social media smart women who are each rocking the social web in their own way. Their social songs are heard around the world, inspiring people and businesses to be better, to do more.

We’ve taken the next step and created this Visual eBook of tips from 10 of those social media rockstars and included 10 of our own to give you equal doses of inspiration and tactical – practical social media marketing advice.
So that begs us to ask the question…Are you ready to rock the social web?

You can download the eBook in PDF format, by clicking the cover image below:

eBook 20 Ways to Rock The Social Web

We take rocking the social web very seriously and you’ll find that this Visual eBook follows the rockstar theme to a “T”.  It is our hope that you will not only devour the information, but have a fun time doing so.  There are tips, tactics, and advice from some of today’s top women rocking social media.

The Playlist

  1. TopRank Tip: Multiple Content Types
  2. Amy Porterfield: Social Media Trainer & Consultant
  3. TopRank Tip: Interact Regularly
  4. Andrea Vahl: Social Media Coach & Strategist
  5. TopRank Tip: Brand Fan Guidelines
  6. Connie Bensen: Sr. Manager Global Social Media
  7. TopRank Tip: Set Social Goals
  8. Deanna Zandt: Author & Consultant
  9. TopRank Tip: Know Your Audience
  10. Ekaterina Walter: Social Media Strategist & Author
  11. TopRank Tip: Keep Calm & Carry On
  12. Kandace Hudspeth:  Executive Strategy Partner
  13. TopRank Tip: Repurpose Content
  14. Lauren Salazar: Social Media Manager
  15. TopRank Tip: Optimized Messaging
  16. Leslie Bradshaw: Co-Founder of JESS3
  17. TopRank Tip: Innovation is Key
  18. Lisa Barone: Vice President of Strategy
  19. TopRank Tip: Always Measure
  20. Tinu Abayomi-Paul: Owner of Leveraged Promotions

Below you can view the Visual eBook embedded from Slideshare and get the embed code to easily add it to your own site.

Tweeting Made Easy

Guess what?  We’ve made it even easier for you to share your favorite tip!  Below are a series of pre-written tweets for you to share with your online network.  Simply click “Tweet This” next to your favorite(s) and you’re all set!

TopRank Rocking Quick Tips

  • Rocking Quick Tip:Strike a chord w/ your audience by engaging regularly. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Set your brand fan employees up for success. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Set social goals to stay in tune. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Let your audience sing the chorus, then open your ears and listen. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Face the music by responding appropriately to negative feedback. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Repurposed content should be music to your ears. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Create pitch perfect content by optimizing for your customers. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Organize a jam session with your team to come up with innovative social strategies. [tweet this].
  • Rocking Quick Tip: Fine tune your strategy to get maximum ROI out of your social media marketing. [tweet this].

Advice From The 25 Women Who Rock Social Media

  • @AmyPorterfield Rocks the Social Web by using social media webinars and promotions. [tweet this].
  • @AndreaVahl is rocking the social web by providing actionable advice on Facebook for business. [tweet this].
  • @CBensen runs the @Dell Social Business Connection as a resource for social businesses. [tweet this].
  • @Deanna was key in helping continue funding for Planned Parenthood’s breast cancer initiatives. [tweet this].
  • @Ekaterina shares her passion for social media to lead innovation and share knowledge. [tweet this].
  • @KandaceHudspeth built a team and partnered with others sharing her vision to rock the social web. [tweet this].
  • @Sassandglitter gives the online community Reasons to Believe on Facebook. [tweet this].
  • @lesliebradshaw rocked this election season by telling data-driven stories online. [tweet this].
  • @LisaBarone rocks social media by highlighting others making an impact! [tweet this].
  • @Tinu rocks social media by turning online acquaintances into offline relationships. [tweet this].

Looking For More Advice On Rocking the Social Web?

We’re curious to know what your favorite rocking tip is, so please share in the comments below.  Also, what is the best or worst piece of social media advice you’ve ever received?