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Google Click to Call

Posted on Feb 14th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
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    Google Click to Call Hey, this is interesting. Google is testing some pay per call ads with a program called Click to Call .

    “Here’s how it works: When you click the phone icon, you can enter your phone number. Once you click ‘Connect For Free,’ Google calls the number you provided. When you pick up, you hear ringing on the other end as Google connects you to the other party.”

    You can try it yourself with a search on Google for “New York Hotels“. See screen shot below:

    Google Click to Call

    Pretty interesting keyword phrase match on the part of Google, since the Search Engine Strategies conference is coming up in New York at the end of the month. Or am I giving Google marketing too much credit?

    Hat tip to Graywolf at Threadwatch

    Seth Godin puts in his two cents on Google’s Click to Call as well.

    Tags: Google, Click to Call, Google Pay Per Call