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Google Inclusion Program – Google Sitemaps

Posted on Jun 3rd, 2005
Written by Lee Odden
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    Maybe it’s not a guaranteed inclusion program, but Google has launched a new experimental service that will work with the regular crawl to add web pages to it’s index.

    Details available on:

    • Google Blog post called “Webmaster Friendly
    • Excellent interview with Google Sitemaps Engineer at Search Engine Watch Blog
    • Google Sitemaps page
    • Support site for Google Sitemaps on Google Groups.

    Details from Google:

    Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. It’s a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep us informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages.

    With Google Sitemaps you get:

    • Better crawl coverage to help people find more of your web pages
    • Fresher search results
    • A smarter crawl because you can provide specific information about all your web pages, such as when a page was last modified or how frequently a page changes

    According to the FAQ, they’ll crawl sites from 1 page to huge sites so that must mean support for blogs which are updated many times per day in many cases.

    Tags: Google, Google Sitemaps