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Google Page Rank Dead?

Posted on May 29th, 2005
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    I noticed a Webmaster World thread this morning regarding the Google toolbar showing a grayed out PageRank for all sites.

    Quite a bit of discussion on various search engine forums as noted by Search Engine Roundtable

    – WebmasterWorld
    – Search Engine Watch Forums
    DigitalPoint Forums
    – Cre8asite Forums
    SEO Chat Forums
    – HighRankings Forums
    – SEOGuy Forums
    IHelpYou Forums
    WebWorkShop Forums
    SitePoint Forums

    Also with some interesting coments by Aaron Wall, of SEO Book:

    PageRank is cheap marketing for Google.

    PageRank gives the average webmaster very little useful data while giving Google tons of marketing at a cheap cheap price, also inflating link costs for naive webmasters.

    My bet is the usual outdated PageRank comes back soon, although they may take time on displaying the data again just to see what sort of chaos it causes.

    I think Aaron is right on with this. We’ll see if Google Toolbar page rank is dead or is Google just testing?

    Apparently the absence of the Google Toolbar PageRank values was due to a glitch: PageRank Back

    Ah, the PageRank myth continues….