Amid lots of speculation this week, Google has launched a Jabber/XMPP based Instant Messaging/VOIP application called Google Talk. FAQ here.
For Windows only in this release, Google Talk works with several other IM clients so if you have a Mac or are on Linux, you can still connect. All you need is a headset, speaker and Gmail account. Conveniently, six Gmail invites are included when you download the software.
So far there are mostly accolades with one comment from Daily Rundown about the lack of file transfer, which is a feature that Skype offers. Also, you cannot make calls to land line or mobile phones.
In true Google fashion, the interface is very clean and intuitive. Also of note, it’s free of any advertisements. It seems Google’s intention is to use Google Talk to drive Gmail sign-ups.
Top IM clients are: AOL’s AIM, Yahoo IM and MSN Messenger (7.5 released today).
Good luck to anyone else in search or IM trying to get news coverage today.
Tags: Google Talk, Google, IM, jabber, Gmail, Talk, Instant Messenger, Instant Messaging.