I can’t believe it was 3 years ago today that Online Marketing Blog was launched. Here is the inaugural post from December 28th, 2003.
The design we launched with. Ewwwwwwww!
Here is the design from 2004-2005
Originally published on the Blogger platform, we moved to WordPress after about a year and a half. Our SEO designer and blog marketing maven, Thomas, has been an invaluable help with the back end of the blog, the design and posting from time to time. Most recently, he helped with the coverage of the Chicago Search Engine Strategies conference. For the most part, you can find Thomas blogging over at Blogger Design.
After 3 years a lot has changed. The search marketing industry has gone through many changes as it is prone to do and the number of blogs has increased dramatically. When I tell people that I write a blog and that it has been a very successful marketing tool, the response is usually, “Sure, everyone knows about blogs these days.” It’s true that more people are aware and reading blogs, but it’s also true that there are many, many more blogs. I believe Technorati is currently tracking over 60 million blogs – TopRank Online Marketing Blog is ranked in the 700’s on that list.
I checked my old Bloglines account from last year and there are about 70 search marketing blogs represented. My current feed reader (Sage extension for Firefox) has over 250 search marketing and related blogs. It can be overwhelming at times, the amount of information and the rate at which, what we know to be true with search marketing, changes. But that is the nature of our business and what clients and readers of the blog count on: Consumption and filtering of information that may be of value.
There have been some ups and downs, but overall I think that between interviews, videos, photos, news, tips, conference coverage and the occasional rant we’ve provided a good resource for the search marketing community. The fact that people take time out of their day to read and interact with what’s posted here is very much appreciated!
Here’s to another 3 years.