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Internet Marketing Conference Tips: Brad Berens iMedia Connection

Posted on Aug 18th, 2008
Written by Lee Odden
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  • Internet Marketing Conference Tips: Brad Berens iMedia Connection
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    Here’s our second tip in a series of posts during the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose on “Getting the Most Out of Internet Marketing Conferences“. This one is from Brad Berens, Global Content Director for the esteemed ad:tech conferences and iMedia Connection.

    Brad also blogs about culture, new media, marketing and community over at Mediavorous.

    First, accept that you can’t do everything– believe me I’ve tried! I’ve gone to events where I’m speaking, networking AND covering things up for a publication. That’s a 20 hour day and it shortens your life in a hurry. It’s important to think — before you get on that plane – about why you’re going and why you aren’t and make choices accordingly.

    My second tip is to be strategic. Look at the agenda while you’re still at the office and choose a small number of things that you simply must do. By “small” I mean four per day, say two sessions and two meetings.

    Everybody will pressure you to RSVP to a million things, but if you do that then you’re not really doing ANYTHING well and there’s no serendipity. I have a lot of great conversations in the elevator, the halls, the expo, the press room, at the bar… All because I’m not overscheduled. Except, of course, when it’s one of MY events.

    Thanks Brad. Time is of the essence and especially time management. Great advice from a guy who knows.

    Next up in our series of conference tips is Kevin Ryan of Incisive, or more formally, “Kevin M. Ryan, Vice President, Global Content Director, Search Engine Strategies and Search Engine Watch”.

    We know many of our readers have been to a ton of events and some just one. Either way, you learned a few things that made you think, “I’m going to do things differently next time”. What tips can you share? Maybe we should have a Reader Poll to see who offers the best tips and win something cool from TopRank!