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Monday Link-O-Rama!

Posted on Nov 5th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Link posts are few and far between but there’s plenty to link to today with all the announcements at ad:tech and on the SEM web in general.

    Monetizing the Conversation. BuzzLogic has announced their “Conversation Targeting” service, which enables the keyword driven monitoring of interlinking between blogs and other social media sites to uncover emerging “communities”. Once the “influencers” have been identified, you can use BuzzLogic’s interface via the Google API to place contextual or display ads on the sites of influence. There’s also a whole set of influencer management tools that allow you to conduct blogger relations and manage other outreach tasks.

    I was able to see a demo on Friday of this new feature and am writing up a more extensive review of BuzzLogic along with 3 other social media monitoring tools this week.

    Yahoo Webinar on Holiday Best Practices for Paid Search. Pato Spagnoletto, Senior Director of Marketing at Yahoo! Search Marketing, is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, November 14, 2007. With the holidays fast approaching, there are more than a few businesses and search marketers looking for competitive advantage. Here’s a chance for those folks to get insight into how managing campaigns holistically (both PPC and SEO) generates a significant lift in revenue.

    Keyword and Competitive Intelligence for the Little Guy. SEM and competitive intelligence tools provider AdGooroo announced “AdGooroo Express” today. After a successful beta test, the tools enable search advertisers to affordably access lists of competitors’ keywords, data on their rank and coverage vs. competitors, lists of others bidding on their own keywords and other features for $129 per month or $999 per year.

    Calling All Big Shot Search Marketing Agencies: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. believes there are too many unfounded claims and accolades going to the wrong SEO and PPC vendors and not enough attention being paid to those that really do the best work.

    As a result, they’ve launched an Annual SEO & PPC Competition where search marketers pony up an entrance fee $5000 per category (SEO and/or PPC) to be evaluated over the course of a year. Evaluation criteria include: customer satisfaction, depth of knowledge in the field, reporting methods, practicing internally what is promoted to clients and additional competitive advantages.

    Submission deadline is Dec 31, 2007 and winners are announced January 15, 2009. My take is that this is a tough sell and will also be very difficult to implement qualitatively. However, the buying public likes lists and who ever participates and comes out on top will undoubtedly gain credibility.

    Page Rank Sucks, Check Out IndexRank. The good people at announced a new tool for reporting back the rate at which the web pages of a particular domain are indexed by Google. Said tool is called, “IndexRank”. There’s plenty of explanation here but basically the usefulness of the tool is centered around the idea that content is king and the ongoing creation of content is of key importance when marketing web sites via search engines. It uses the site operator plus a date range.

    Universal Search & A Flying Dutchman. I have nothing to say about this, I just liked the title. 🙂 Actually, Microsoft’s Mel Carson has ANOTHER blog and gives a nice rundown on Universal search session from SMX Sweden.

    Meet Others Who Asked The Same Query – Haika has launched a beta version of it’s search engine by combining a social networking component to the search results. Once you search a phrase, you’ll see a “room” of threaded discussion where you can add posts, rate others etc. If no room exists you can create it. You can add images and, yep, a URL to the messages. Anonymous email contact with other commenters is just one click. Do you think someone is going to push the envelope on that link feature? Do ya think?