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One Super Proposal

Posted on Nov 29th, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
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    One of the blogs I’ve recently added to my blog roll is Joe Morin’s Travels and I noticed a post he made about some kind of marriage proposal during the Super Bowl he’s going to be promoting. Don’t worry ladies, Joe’s not the one doing the proposing. (800,000 women sigh relief)

    What he’s doing, or promoting at least, is along the lines of the Million Dollar Home Page and the One Red Paperclip promotions where a site, or in this case, the My Super Proposal blog, is asking for donations big and small for a good cause. Except this viral marketing promotion is being used to finance a commercial for the Super Bowl in which a fellow named “JP” will propose marriage to his girlfriend. According to the blog the goal is to raise $2.5 million. That’s a very, very big goal but it looks like $73k has been raised so far.

    If they don’t hit the goal, the money will be donated to a children’s hospital. A promotion like this raises all kinds of interesting questions but I’m curious to see how it pans out. Is this a real proposal? Is it viral marketing or a linkbait program for something else? Will a studio pick it up?

    If this is the real deal, and I actually think it is, then it’s going to go down as one of the most amazing promotions ever – and hopefully make a young lady very happy.

    The “My Super Proposal” blog has been covered by the likes of AdRants & AdJab already and there’s even an interview with “JP” over at the Nashville City Paper. If you’re the sentimental sort, drop a few bucks off at My Super Proposal.

    Update: Super Bowl ads have been sold out – so the focus is more about getting the attention of advertisers running consumer generated media contests so JP can get picked to do his proposal as part of their commercial. Contests of this sort are being run by Doritos and the How can you help? Mention My Super Proposal on your blog!

    Also, Danny Sullivan makes a good suggestion to link to the My Super Proposal blog with “will you” like that in the anchor text. Perhaps JP can do what Barry Schwartz did when he proposed by having his girlfriend Yisha search her name on