Study: Pinterest Referral Traffic Drives 67% Increase In E-Commerce Revenue – Marketing and analytics solution provider Piqora claims its customers experienced a 67 percent increase in e-commerce revenue from Pinterest referral traffic between January and June of this year. Marketing Land
Twitter Diversity Statistics: 70% Male Globally, 59% White, 29% Asian in U.S. [REPORT] – How important is diversity in the workplace? A KelloggInsight report documented how better decisions are made by diverse businesses, while Catalyst noted that Fortune 500 companies with the highest representation of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 53 percent. AllTwitter
Digital Marketing Performance Increasingly Affects CMO Compensation [Study] – The Chief Marketing Officer Council’s new CMO Compensation Report suggests that CMO base compensation tends to increase as a company’s digital marketing performance improves. More than one-third of CMOs who earn $350,000 a year or more responded that their digital marketing performance is “excellent.” ClickZ
14% Use Third Party Apps for Twitter (Which Means 40 Million Never See Ads) – Twitter released its second quarter earnings report last week to much fanfare, and rightly so, as the figures beat Wall Street expectations across the board. However, buried deep in the presentation that accompanied the release was a worrying statistic: 14 percent of Twitter accounts log on or connect to the service via third party apps, which means that close to 40 million of its active users are never served ads. AllTwitter
Facebook Drives Nearly One-Fourth Of All Referral Traffic [Shareaholic Report] – Facebook, the king of social media referral traffic, is strengthening its reign, according to social analytics and publishing firm Shareaholic. Marketing Land
Adults Are Spending Nearly Two Hours Per Day on the Mobile Web – Adults worldwide report using the mobile Web for 1.98 hours per day on average, according to a recent report from GlobalWebIndex. MarketingProfs
52% Use Two or More Social Networks (And Six in 10 Have Unfollowed Brands) [STUDY] – More than half of U.S. adults are active on two or more social networks, favouring different platforms for different interests, reveals a new study. AllTwitter
Study: Before People Shop At A Small Business, They Check Facebook – According to a new study by G/O Digital, when people want to find out more about a local small business — they check Facebook more than any other social channel. All Facebook
Social Referrals Result in a 65% Bounce Rate After First Page – When we talk about measuring social media engagement, people usually refer to comments, likes and shares. However, the amount of time spent on a particular page or post is a relevant metric. According to social bookmarking and analytics company AddThis, scrolling could also provide relevant insight into consumer engagement. SocialTimes
Twitter: Just 5% of Social Logins (Facebook: 55%, Google+: 27%, Yahoo: 11%) [STUDY] – Facebook continues to dominate social logins around the globe, with more than half now accountable to the social networking giant, reveals the latest data from Gigya. AllTwitter
Study: Mobile Makes Up Only 6.51% Of Retargeted News Feed Ads, Yet Drives 8.25% Of Clicks – Retargeting powerhouse AdRoll recently crunched data from their advertisers and uncovered some surprising findings on retargeting and Facebook. Marketing Land
Men Spend More Than Women on Purchases From Social Media Recommendations, Ads [STUDY] – Women love to shop, right? I mean, that’s the stereotype. And maybe it used to be true, but a new study has revealed that when it comes to purchases resulting from recommendations from contacts or ads on social networks, men spend more than women. A lot more. AllTwitter
From our Online Marketing Community:
From Audience and Oysters – Ann Handley on the Power of Growing Your Audience for Content Marketing, sharonthoms said, “Perhaps the takeaway could have been, if your opposition was sharing that wonderful story with the little oysters, finally they (the prospects, customers) may have been, so happy with the journey and the relationship formed that the chance of you seeing that customer again was about as likely as, if they had been gobbled up, by your opposition. Like no chance! Loved that :)”
What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
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