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Online Marketing News: Twitter Tightens Up, In-App Indexing, Pinterest Improves Pinned Places

Posted on Oct 16th, 2015
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  • Online Marketing News: Twitter Tightens Up, In-App Indexing, Pinterest Improves Pinned Places
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TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

How Content Marketing Impacts Your Bottom Line

How Content Marketing Impacts Your Bottom Line [Infographic] – Take a closer look and outlined how content marketing can increase awareness, build trust, and convert leads — all important in driving consumers to the bottom of the funnel and ultimately having a positive impact on your bottom line. HubSpot

Twitter Cuts 8% Of Its Workforce – In Jack Dorsey’s first major action as CEO, Twitter has laid off 8% of its employees. Twitter said it is cutting 336 staff members, mostly from the product and engineering teams, in order to focus on the company’s top product priorities and become more efficient. CNN Money

Google: Shy Away From Repeating The Same Words On The Same Page Too Often – In a Google+ hangout from Friday, Google’s John Mueller addressed a common thing you see on some e-commerce sites, the repetitive nature of category landing pages. Search Engine Roundtable

What Kinds of Advertising Do People Trust the Most? [NIELSEN POLL] – Nielsen just released the 2015 results of their Global Trust in Advertising poll. Overall, the numbers are slightly lower than they were in 2013. When you are trying to decide where to put your advertising dollars, you need to know what kind of content and what media people trust. Social Media Today

Pinterest Improves 7 Billion Place Pins With Better Location Data, Info – Pinterest announced this week that it is updating Place Pins, adding new information and expanding the location data available to 7 billion pins. Pinterest

Report: Why Life Event Marketing Is More Effective Than Demographic Targeting – A report from Networked Insights demonstrates how targeting your marketing around life events may be a much more effective strategy. SocialTimes

Domain Authority and Links Among Top Local Search Ranking Factors [STUDY] – A lot has changed in local search since Moz’s 2014 Local Search Ranking Factors study. There have been numerous changes to local SERPs, along with new ranking signals and algorithm changes rolled out in Google throughout all levels of search. Search Engine Journal

Moments, The Best Of Twitter In An Instant – When you open Twitter today you’ll see something new: Moments, the best of what’s happening on Twitter in an instant. Twitter

Google Confirms The Real Time Penguin Algorithm Is Coming Soon – The next Penguin refresh will be happening pretty soon and should be a real-time algorithm. Search Engine Land

Facebook Testing New Video Experiences – Since our update last year, video has continued to grow on Facebook. It has become an integral part of how people around the world discover, watch and share videos they care about every day. Today, we want to provide another update on some of the things we’ve been working on over the past year, along with some of the new features you may see in the coming months. Facebook

Google is Rolling Out Algorithm Changes Targeting Hacked Spam, Affecting 5% of Queries – Google has begun rolling out a series of algorithmic changes designed to more aggressively target hacked spam. These changes will affect roughly 5% of queries when fully rolled out. Search Engine Journal

Google To Show iOS App Content In Index By End Of October – Google posted this news on the Google+ developer page saying that if you implement it, you should start to see your iOS app content in the Google index by the end of this month. Search Engine Roundtable

From our Online Marketing Community:

In response to A Digital Marketing Odyssey: 20 Essential Lessons I Learned in my First 6 Months at TopRank Marketing, Stephen Bateman DipM MCIM said, “Top Rank an is a great school, and Lee is a great pragmatist / practitioner – no doubt about it.”

What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Infographic: HubSpot