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Online Marketing News: Mobile Ranking Signals, CEOs Wasting Money, Social Customer Service

Posted on Dec 5th, 2014
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  • Online Marketing News: Mobile Ranking Signals, CEOs Wasting Money, Social Customer Service
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    Global Social Platform Visits

    54% of Facebook Users Login Multiple Times Per Day (Twitter: 34%) – More than half of Facebook active users (54 percent) log into the social network more than once per day, compared to just over one third (34 percent) who do so on Twitter. AllTwitter

    Report: 66 Percent Of Email Opens On Mobile, Mostly iOS Devices – Email marketing platform Movable Ink has released its Q3 “Consumer Device Preferences Report.” The report is focused on email engagement and based on statistics captured from across the company’s client base. Marketing Land

    Three-Quarters Of Millennials Expect Brands To Be Entertaining – In Facebook’s “Coming of Age on Screens” study, 72% of young millennials from all over the world said that’s what they expect from brands – entertaining content. That’s a lot to live up to. It’s a lot harder to be entertaining on command than it is to be informative but when you hit that sweet spot the returns are insane. Marketing Pilgrim

    REPORT: Facebook Ads, Boosted Posts Narrowing Gap on Organic Posts – Marketers on Facebook were already starting to ramp up their paid ads and boosted posts even before the social network announced last Friday that users will see fewer promotional posts from pages in their News Feeds, according to a recent study by Experian Marketing Services. AllFacebook

    Google Is Testing Mobile-Friendly Signals In Their Ranking Algorithm – A single line added to Google’s announcement about their mobile-friendly labels rolling out to mobile searchers said that Google is experimenting with using mobile-friendly criteria in their ranking algorithms. Search Engine Roundtable

    Only 15% of Workers Share Professional Accomplishments on Social Media – Only 15 percent of workers share workplace successes on their social media accounts, according to a study from LinkedIn and Wakefield Research. This number includes people who shared accomplishments on personal blogs. SocialTimes

    STUDY: Local Facebook Pages Are Far More Engaging than Global Pages – Keeping it local is the way to go when it comes to Facebook pages, as a recent study from social media analytics platform Socialbakers found that local pages far outperform global pages in terms of engagement, due to the quality and frequency of localized content. AllFacebook

    Less Than 20% of Internet Users Account for 82.4% of Video Shares – Although a small percentage of consumers actively share content on the Internet, those sharers are extremely active and could prove to be valuable targets for marketers. ClickZ

    7 in 10 Enterprise CEOs Believe They Are Wasting Money on Marketing Initiatives – Some 35% of CEOs at large organizations believe that their marketing’s sales performance is exceeding expectations, while fewer CMOs (26%) agree, according to a Forbes Insights study [download page] conducted in association with Rocket Fuel and Spencer Stuart. MarketingCharts

    Study: Very Few Users Prefer Social Media for Customer Service – About one in four (23 percent) of U.S. internet users have used social media for customer service purposes, but it’s the preferred channel for a very small minority, reveals new data from American Express. AllTwitter

    Google: Your Content In Tabs & Click To Expand May Not Be Indexed Or Ranked – Google’s Josh Mueller says content within “click to expand” menus or “tabs” may be “discounted” since Google knows you are hiding it from users. Google may not rank the page for the content within those sections because Google knows users do not see the content by default. Search Engine Roundtable

    Forrester Says Marketers Are Wasting Resources on Facebook, Twitter – Because of low reach and engagement on the major social networks, report suggests that brands should build their own communities and leverage other social sites. Marketing Land

    From our Online Marketing Community:

    In response to Content Marketing Best Practices Report: Creating a Culture of Content, Bia Castro said, “Your definition of culture of content is really impressive. Really good article by the way!!”

    On Superhero or Zero Digital Marketing Agencies – How Can You Tell?, Tomer Algrably commented, “Great post lee! one of the way we give back in our business is actually by giving the yearly bonuses, it’s due soon ;)”

    And SteeveAuston shared, “Its all based on research and experience you can’t tell or judge about the performace of any marketing agency unless you outsource their serivices to know what kind of results they provide :-)”

    What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

    Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

    Infographic: AllTwitter