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A Year in Blog Posts: TopRank Marketing’s Most Popular Social Media Marketing Posts of 2016

Posted on Dec 8th, 2016
Written by TopRank Marketing
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    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.


    If you look at almost any set of statistics from 2016, it’s pretty clear that business is booming for social platforms. Consumers are lining up in throngs to setup and utilize accounts, and ad spend is steadily increasing each year.

    A study from HootSuite found that nearly 50% of consumers have interacted with companies on at least one of their social networks. That’s great news! But don’t celebrate just yet.

    As competition continues to rise for consumers attention, brands will need to up the ante on delivering quality social media content to their followers, in preferred formats.

    Big Changes in Social Media in 2016

    The biggest evolutions in social media that are top of mind focus on one specific tactic: video. The addition of live video to platforms like Facebook as well as brands taking a leap into the Snapchat video pool have revolutionized the way that marketers are interacting on social networks.

    To help you close out 2016 on a strong note and have a running start for 2016, here is a list of our five most-shared social media marketing posts for 2016. Enjoy!

    Top 5 Social Media Marketing Posts of 2016

    #1 – 9 Social Media Marketing Trends That Could Make or Break Your Business in 2017


    “The most important thing about social media marketing isn’t always the tech. It’s the people.” - @leeodden Share on X

    Social Media Marketing is a fantastic mix of people and technology. In one vane, consumer behaviors are creating demand for new technology. While on the other hand, new technology is impacting the way that consumers utilize social media. This post from TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden provides a dynamic look at how the combination of people and technology are evolving social media marketing.

    #2 – 7 Tips for Marking Your Brand More Likable on Social Media


    “The success of your social media efforts boils down to one thing: Likeability.” - @CaitlinMBurgess Share on X

    We all want to be liked (online and IRL). For a long time brands have struggled to find the balance between sharing the message they want to convey, and sharing the messages that people actually like to read and interact with. If you’re like most companies, a refresher on what makes brands likable on social media will help you connect with your audience in a more meaningful way.

    #3 – How Social Media Can Drive Success on Your Content Marketing Roadtrip


    “Social media is the vehicle that drives your content where you want it to go.” - @CaitlinMBurgess Share on X

    The world of social media marketing is not a one-way street. Just as with any journey, marketers need to make sure that they have the essentials in place to make for a successful trip. This post shares exactly which pit stops and planning elements need to be included to successfully drive engagement to content via social media.

    #4 – 8 Social Media Marketing Hacks to Boost Engagement


    “Social media is all about building relationships. So, be consistent, creative and compelling.” - @CaitlinMBurgess Share on X

    Competition for the attention of customers on social media is fierce. Everyone is “doing social” but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re having an actual impact. One way to determine impact of social media marketing efforts is how much (or little) people are engaging with your social profiles. If you’re like most marketers and are searching for some creative hacks to boost your engagement, this post is a must-read.

    #5 – 7 Weird Social Media Marketing Habits All Marketers Need to Break NOW


    “Once you get into a social media routine, it can be hard to break habits that are hurting your brand.” - @azeckman Share on X

    Everyone has bad habits that they’d like to hide from the world. Unfortunately for social media marketers, those bad habits can very clearly be seen by the outside world. If you want to confidently say that you are one of those brands that has a positive impact and creates value for your community, then make sure you avoid these 7 social media marketing BAD habits.

    Take Part in the Social Media Marketing Revolution

    The time to hesitate is through. For every hour, day and week that you and your team squeak by with your social media marketing efforts, new and motivated marketers will come in and steal away the attention of your target audience.

    I know the year is almost over, but now is an opportune time to take some of your favorite tips from the posts above and incorporate them into your strategy for the remainder of the year. You can also use these posts to trigger ideas for how you’ll tackle social media marketing in 2017!