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Upcoming Speaking Events

Posted on Oct 22nd, 2006
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    Last week was quite a whirlwind with 3 presentations at DMA06 in San Francisco and then immediatley to Boston for 2 presentations to speak at a private conference being held by a client. We are doing a LOT more of that kind of speaking/consulting. Next up:

    Nov 2nd: Visi Data Center 2.0, St. Paul
    “The Truth about Search Engine Optimization” – Visi, the largest ISP in Minnesota, is holding an event to launch their new data center with St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman attending. During this event there will be presentations of interest to business and web site owners including my presentation on SEO.

    Nov 14-17: WebmasterWorld Pubcon, Las Vegas

    • Search Blog and Reporter Forum with Mike McDonald, Andy Beal, Barry Schwartz and Rand Fishkin
    • Press and Public Relations Campaigns with Robin Liss, Greg Jarboe and David McInnis.

    Dec 4-7: Search Engine Strategies, Chicago
    SMO: Social Media Optimization with Rand Fishkin, Andy Hagans, Todd Malicoat and Neil Patel.
    I’m not exactly sure yet how I will be involved with this panel, (presenting or just involved with Q/A) but I’m listed as a participant so I will certainly be there.

    That should be it for the year and what an amazing year it has been!

    For any companies out there that are in need of high level online marketing consulting and/or training of internal staff, contact me here.