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TopRank Bloggers to Cover SES San Jose 2007

Posted on Aug 9th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.


    I wasn’t sure we’d be able to pull all the pieces together, but you should see five of our TopRank team at the upcoming Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose blogging sessions, networking and bringing a new perspective to the event coverage.

    The TopRank bloggers will include a mix of of perspectives and experience with search marketing.

    If you’re a long time reader of Online Marketing Blog then you’re likely familiar with Thomas McMahon, who posts here on occasion but mostly at If you need to know anything about blogging, blog software, blog promotion and all the widgets and plugins that go with it, be sure to visit BloggerDesign. Thomas has been responsible for keeping Online Marketing Blog designed well and running smoothly along with making tools like the RSS Button maker and the Social Bookmarks creator over the past 3+ years. Thomas really wants a new MacBook Pro and if he’s good the next 2 weeks, he’ll have one on the way to San Jose.

    As you may know, Mike Yanke was the winner of the TopRank Challenge with his post about Stephen Colbert, a bridge and something about waving fish or something like that. Anyway, our dear readers and lots of Mike’s friends from grade school certainly liked the post and voted him a landslide winner. Mike is an Account Manager for TopRank SEO and Public Relations clients bringing a unique and appreciated set of project management, writing and creative marketing talents to our team.

    We are very much looking forward to the event and providing a fresh mix of observations and insights into the world of search marketing according to Search Engine Strategies. If you happen to see an TopRank badge, be sure to say hello. We are staying at the Fairmont and will likely participate in some of the planed post-conference activities (Can you say Google Dance?) as well.

    So, who’s going to SES San Jose?