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10 Essential SEO Interviews

Posted on Aug 16th, 2010
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    interviewI started interviewing people in the search marketing industry long ago (inspired by Aaron Wall) as a way to provide access to search marketing practitioners, pundits and employees at search engines. Beginning in 2005 with this interview with Brett Tabke from WebmasterWorld & Pubcon, interviews with search marketing types have been posted here covering a variety of search marketing topics.

    The search engine marketing industry changes often, so it’s pretty interesting to see some of the predictions made in some of those older interviews. Below are 10 more recent SEO interviews from client side practitioners or search engine employees that you can get a lot of value from in terms of understanding how facilitating SEO works in organizations, SEO and social media, resources, tools and specific SEO tips.

    vanessa fox
    Vanessa Fox
    – Ex Googler, now at Nine by Blue on Marketing in the Age of Google

    matt evans
    Matt Evans
    of on Agency vs. In-House SEO

    Michael Nguyen
    Michael Nguyen
    of Shopzilla & on Huge Ecommerce Website SEO

    scott skurnick
    Scott Skurnick
    of on Enterprise SEO

    dan perry
    Dan Perry
    , SEO Director at Turner Broadcasting on Big Brand Publisher SEO

    tim ash
    Tim Ash
    of SiteTuners on Landing Page Optimization

    alex bennert
    Alex Bennert
    , Chief Search Strategist at The Wall Street Journal on Very Large Website & Publisher SEO

    maile ohye
    Maile Ohye
    , Developer Programs Tech Lead at Google on Google Webmaster Central

    laura lippay
    Laura Lippay
    – Recently left Yahoo for Nine by Blue on SEO at a Search Engine

    todd malicoat
    Todd Malicoat
    – Consultant and Faculty at Market Motive on the Search Marketing Industry

    Other interviews worth mentioning, albeit a bit older, include: Danny SullivanTim Mayer, Mike Grehan, Matt CuttsAndy BealMelanie MitchellAdam LasnikJill Whalen, Eric Ward, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Andy Atkins-Kruger, Adam Audette, Neil Patel.

    Be sure to watch TopRank’s YouTube channel for video interviews with search and internet marketers that we’ll capture during the SES San Francisco conference this week.