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Reader Poll: Best Blog Content

Posted on Jun 28th, 2007
Written by Lee Odden
In this article

    Ready to elevate your B2B brand?

    TopRank Marketing drives results with content, influencer, SEO & social media marketing.

    reader poll

    If you’re a regular reader of Online Marketing Blog, you’ll know we like to tweak things on a pretty regular basis. I send such refinement requests to Thomas, my blogmaster, just about every day. “Make this bigger, make that smaller, add xyz plug-in or check on something with our host VISI”. I’m sure it’s annoying but it’s what he gets paid for. 🙂

    Like many bloggers I look at stats pretty often and since we started using the most recent version of Google Analytics, I’ve been able to get a better handle on what kind of content generates the most interest (and inquiries) as well as traffic sources, etc. In fact, I just checked this morning and see for April to June 28, 2007 the 5 most popular resource pages (in terms of traffic) were:

    The top 5 most popular blog post entries were:

    We want to continuously make Online Marketing Blog an useful, unique resource. To that end, competition is pretty fierece in this category as evidenced by the 350 plus search marketing blogs we’re tracking and updating every week. So, to make sure we’re on our toes with all the appreciated readers, this week’s poll serves to discover what kinds of blog post content you like best.

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