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Reader Poll: How do you use Twitter?

Posted on Mar 5th, 2008
Written by Lee Odden
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    reader poll

    UPDATE: Survey Results on Top 10 Uses of Twitter are here.

    Without question, the microblogging platform Twitter (follow me here) is a phenomenon many of our readers are exploring or trying to figure out. Whether you’re in search marketing, advertising, interactive marketing, journalism or public relations, there are many ways to use Twitter as a communications, networking and even a socializing tool.

    Some people post the most benign information such as the mass fixation on Twittering while in airports. Others produce steady streams of thoughtful goodness, insights and links to content you simply won’t find anywhere else. Twitter can even be a productive marketing tool and if you look, you’ll find an amazing number of resources on it.

    Twitter and other microblogging platforms like it (Jaiku, Pownce) can be a distraction and they can also be productive. How do you use Twitter? Is it productive? Here’s our TopRank Reader Poll Question on Twitter:

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    I’ve limited the responses to just 11 to encourage our well above average readers to share in the comments. What are your most productive uses of microblogging formats like Twitter? Are you a super Twitter user or are you wondering what it is and what to do with it?